FMSC Packing Event & More

Here's a pic of the course
Howdy and hey to everyone today! (Sweet, I rhymed! Ha.) If the title of today's post confuses you, I'll explain in a moment. I suppose you're wondering how laser tagging last night went right? Well it was AWESOME. Totally fun. But my friend Christine was very upset because she didn't hit one kid who hit her a lot of times. But the thing is, she was flirting so bad with him. Like, really really really really really etc. flirtatious. But he was the kid who was all stalker like to me, so I'm not seeing what good could come from this. (Christine is going to be really mad at me for posting this, I just know it...)

A broom similar to the one we used
So after we were done laser tagging, and sweating like pigs, (I know, pigs don't sweat, but it's all I could come up with for an simile) we went back to July and April's church. There we played the broom game which I could not figure out how to play, The Jone's Family which I was really bad at, find the flashlight parts before you get tagged which was kinda boring, and we played Murder. Out of all the games at her church I liked Murder the best. I shall explain. So you hand out pieces of paper to all the people playing. Two of the cards have an "M" on them, and if you get that card, you are the murderer. To "kill" someone you'd pinch them gently on the arm and then they'd have a long and dramatic death. Someone would then scream, "Murder!" Then all of the people playing would gather around that person and try to figure out who killed them. Everyone would vote on a person and then that person would "die." If they were the killer, then they lost. If they weren't, they still couldn't play. 

July killed Christine (but I didn't know that) who I was walking with so that she wouldn't crash into a wall, and then July goes and screams, "Seana did it! She was right next to her! I know she did it!" I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. But they all agreed and then I died. Turns out, July was the murderer the whole time, and so was the kid Christine flirted with. July also killed April I believe.

This is the logo for FMSC
Okay so today I helped out at the Feed My Starving Children food packaging event. Hence my title. And it was a lot of fun too. I held the bags while they filled them with chicken powder mix, dehydrated veggies, soy, and rice. And we made enough bags in just the session I was in today (1:00-3:00) to feed 81 kids for a whole year. Go us! (Note: There was a lot more sessions during the day, not just mine. It went from like 8:00 in the morning I think, to probably about 6:00 or 7:00. So that's a lot of food going to hungry kids around the world.) I also got a pair of earrings, and the money from that is going to go to the organization and other places that need the money. With fashion, I helped the world. Now it's your turn. Go out there and make an great impact, no matter how big or small, it'll make a difference in someone's life.
Mmm, pineapples...

Peace, love, and pineapples,
~Sea J.


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