Search Terms (I'm Dying Of Laughter At the Last One)

I absolutely adore search terms. What is a search term, you ask? A search term is basically what people type into Google and they end up clicking the link to your blog.

Care to see what people have been searching to find my blog lately?

courageous movie
I believe I did a post on that a long time ago. 'Twas an excellent movie!

first place trophy
I think one of my invisible teddy bears has that now....I can't seem to find it.

tinkerbell and terence
Oh, looks like someone remembers my Tinkerbell movie obsession!

"totally stinky" "stinks"
*sniffs* Hey! I shower regularly, thank you very much. I don't think I smell that bad...

1st place trophy
I told you, the invisible teddy bear took it!

balloons and confetti
How much you wanna bet the teddy bear has that too?

crying cartoon face
There, there, cartoon face, dry your tears!

end of infinity book ending
Yikes, someone's searching up spoilers? Bad, bad idea!

end of infinity what happens to jack
More spoilers?! Don't do it! I BEG OF THEE! Just read the book!

happy birthday pretty girl
Okay....okay...I just nearly died laughing at this one. I mean, really, what do I say to this? Thank you kindly?

Well, that was...special! For those of you with blogs, I'd love to see you do a post of your search terms!


  1. I found a Hilda Dolittle, LOL! :P

    1. Hilda Dolitte? Ha! Can you secretly talk to animals, Hilda?

  2. I didn't get any that weird, lol. My weirdest is 'dog named sunny.'

    1. Did you ever write about a dog named Sunny? (:

    2. Well my dog is named Sunny, but it's still weird that it was found under those search terms, lol.

    3. Yep, that's pretty special! Ha!

  3. Wow. I'm still not entirely sure I get "search terms" and I don't think it works very well for Wordpress...

    Those were hilarious, though!

    1. I'm quite sure Wordpress has search terms. Just ask Liam.

      Weren't they? (:

  4. Replies
    1. STEP 1: Find "Stats" on your blogger dashboard thingy.
      STEP 2: Once you've clicked Stats, click "Traffic Sources".
      Ta da!

    2. Oh mine are all lame..... There are only three subjects which are Teletubbies, Directioners, and Bald Disney Princesses..... LAME

  5. My favorite one I've gotten thus far is geeky choir sayings. I've also had a few that say Carrie Underwood Screaming goat or a variation of that...

    The ones you've gotten are so funny!!

  6. These are hilarious! Most people get to my blog searching glasses or state birds ... And there was the bumbling villain ... I ought to do up a post like this one of these days ...

    1. I always have fun looking at search terms! (: If you do a post on these, let me know.


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