February Favorites (2017) + Scheduling Updates

Hello, lovelies!

February is over, and it was definitely a whirlwind in terms of blogging. 28 straight days of blog posts kept me extremely busy, but I did have a lot of time to find new things to love. (Which is why this post is looooong.)

On another note, I've decided to scrap my three post a week blogging schedule in favor of a two post one. This is for two reasons: I need inspiration to blog, and also my classes keep me very busy with the amount of workload that's put on me. (And since it's my senior year, I'm desperately trying to maintain my high GPA to get college credit for next year in some classes.) I'll probably do either a Monday/Friday schedule, or maybe a Sunday/Wednesday sort of thing, but we'll see. I just don't want this blog to start falling back into the depths like it did for a while. (:

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(Like my last favorites post, I just have a TON of new favorite songs, so I'll skip the descriptions and just let you pick and choose which ones to listen to. Think of it like a "choose your own adventure" book, but with songs. Also, if you're wondering what my music taste is, it's basically everything except country music.)

"I Will Let You Go" by Daniel Ahearn

"Chivalry Is Dead" by Trevor Wesley

"Moving Pictures, Silent Films" by Great Lake Swimmers

"Cold" and "Don't Wanna Know" by Maroon 5

"How Would You Feel," "Shape of You," and "Friends" by Ed Sheeran

"Love" by Lana Del Rey

"Way Down We Go" by Kaleo

"No More Sad Songs" by Little Mix

"Something Just Like This" by Coldplay & The Chainsmokers

"Flights" by Jack and Jack

"Kicking Roses" by Benjamin Francis Leftwich

"Turn to Stone" by Dalton

"Stay" by Zedd and Alessia Cara

"Rockabye" by Clean Bandit


"Othello" and "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare

We had to read Hamlet for my College English Lit. class, and another Shakespeare tragedy after that (I chose Othello). I never really read any Shakespeare works straight through besides Romeo and Juliet, because the language always seemed daunting and I couldn't work up the motivation. But these books deal with heavy topics like suicide, love, and even racism, all wrapped up in stories that are actually really sad in the end.

I personally enjoyed Othello a little bit more because the villain, Iago, is so brilliantly evil, but Hamlet was a worthwhile read as well.

Fashion + Beauty:

Sweet Peach Palette by Too Faced

(I have a lot of respect for beauty bloggers who do these swatch pictures regularly. They're hard.)

I missed out on getting this palette when it first came out in the summer, but since it came back recently, I jumped on the bandwagon and didn't look back. (Also, since my nickname by my family has always been "Peachy," it felt fitting that I get my hands on this one.) I love how the colors inside are supposed to reflect all parts of a peach, like the leaf and the pit, and how it SMELLS like peaches when you open it up. The shadows are pigmented and blendable, and definitely Too Faced quality.

Elf Contour Palette

Elf Cosmetics is one of my favorite affordable brands, and I really wanted to get my hands on this little quad after seeing some of my favorite YouTubers talk about it. I really like the bronzing/contour shades, and the more yellow-toned powder is perfect for setting concealer. The highlight is a little bit too light for my skin tone, but if your skin is more fair than mine, I think you'd really like it. The colors are all really pigmented, so be sure to use a light hand when applying them to the face.

Milani Blush in "Berry Amore"

The first Milani product I bought was the cult-favorite blush in "Luminoso," which is much peachier than this one. This blush has more of a rose/mauve color to it, with a slight golden sheen to it. I think it's really lovely for wintertime and early spring, and I like that the sheen in it brings a little light to my face, especially in the colder months which can dry out my skin.

Black Heeled Boots

I recently purchased a pair of black boots very similar to these, and I think they're a perfect statement piece to an outfit. I like that the heel is chunkier than other heels, which makes it a lot easier and more comfortable to walk in for long periods of time, and I like having the laces to make them fit more snugly. (I wish I could link to them somehow, but I can't find my exact pair online.)


Coffee Shop Soundtrack (Acoustic Remix) Radio on Pandora

A friend of mine introduced me to the magic that is this Pandora station. I've always loved Pandora because I'm really indecisive about what songs I want to listen to, and I often get stuck in a rut with the same songs over and over if I don't purposely try to mix things up.

This station is such a relaxing one, and all the songs on it are acoustic. I LIVE for acoustic music, since guitars are one of my favorite instruments, and a lot of my song favorites from this month came from this station. So if you want relaxing background music for when you're working on schoolwork or something like that, give this station a whirl.

Mason Jars

I've always thought Mason jars were cute, and I often keep them on my vanity to store some of my makeup brushes. I recently switched over to having ALL of my eyeliners and other pencil-type makeup things in them, and I think it's so cute having my storage things all matchy matchy.

Kurt Hugo Schneider

Kurt is one of those YouTubers that is honestly one of the most brilliant when it comes to producing and composing music. He doesn't sing all that much, but he'll come up with the most amazing arrangements of current songs, and he can turn just about anything into an instrument. (He once used a ton of M&M's to provide the instrumental for a song.) He's unbelievably talented, and I always look forward to seeing his videos pop up in my subscriptions. I'll leave a link to his channel HERE.

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Well, if you've made it all the way to the end of this post, then here's a hug from me to you:

That is all.



  1. Admittedly, I've gotten quite into country music as of late. I never used to be but lately, I find myself seeking out various country artists. If I'm not listening to country music than it's definitely 'pop' music heading into my ears.

    In terms of your blogging schedule, take on only what you can. Your blog shouldn't be an environment that stresses you out. Go for quality over quantity.


    1. Really? That's cool. (: The most country I'll usually go is that pop/country mix that Hunter Hayes does or how Taylor Swift used to be.

      You're so sweet, thank you so much! It means a lot how supportive you are.


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