An Update on Life

I really, really hate to be a downer. I don't like focusing on myself and all of my life craziness, but I think for this post, I'm just gonna go for it, because I feel like you deserve a reason to why my blogging has been a wreck lately.

Lately, I've been kind of out of it. I haven't been doing as well in tennis as I normally am, and there's been a few other things going on with friends too. Mash all of that up into a mess of insanity, and it's been a little overwhelming.

I think a lot of my mood this past while has been because of a problem with a boy (surprise, surprise). I won't go into detail, but let's just say we were best friends for most of this year, and there was a lot of mutual likeness going on, I'll admit. And then he slowly stopped talking to me, and eventually shut me out completely. He started being all over tons of other girls during that period, where we started talking less, and afterwards, which, if we're being honest, hurt. A lot. It was like I wasn't good enough, so he went to find someone who was. He won't even look me in the eye anymore, which is pretty awkward considering he goes after every other girl he sees. If we're being brutally honest, I'd call him a player, deep down. I actually had quite a few times where I cried over him, but looking back, I can see that he wasn't worth it. He wasn't worth the tears I cried. Our friendship was more pain for me than it was happiness near the end, and even my mother told me I deserved better. So eventually I stopped looking back on it so much, because all it did was ruin my mood.

So that little event had me thinking that there was something that I did wrong, that there was something about me that caused it or that I wasn't good enough. I know there were things I probably did, but I've realized that it wasn't really all my fault. However, that had me going through a little period of time where I was having to do a little bit of exploration to figure who I was and what exactly it was that I valued most. I was just trying to figure out my life basically. This entire thing has been a bit of a learning experience, and even though it was probably one of the most painful things I've ever been through, it'll probably help me in the long run (right now though, it's pretty awful, don't get me wrong). Right now I'm just going by the advice a dwarf once gave me for this long run. "Keep breathing. That's the key."

Tacking on the fact that lately tennis has been a struggle for me because I've been distracted by the above, and then when I'm distracted I don't play as well, it's been not so awesome. So here I am feeling down about a guy, and then feeling more down because I'm playing horribly and botching up my shots left and right, and that adds up to me feeling, well, pretty bad.

Feeling bad about myself gave me very little motivation to blog, and I found myself getting out of habit with it and not having as much fun with it as I usually do. You guys are really amazing, and I'm so glad to have people like you in my life to cheer me up with your comments.

I guess right now all I'm trying to do is take care of myself for a while, because I think my heart needs a little TLC after what it's been through. And maybe food will help too.

Sorry to dump this emotional, lengthy mess of a post on you all, but I really do feel better putting it out there and giving you something besides my poor excuses of posts. I just have a tendency to pull an Elsa and conceal all of my feelings and make sure no one sees them, and when they finally explode, it's crazy. So I figured I might as well just spill the beans.

And now I'm going to go listen to some relaxing Ed Sheeran music, because, really, his voice is amazing and his songs are fabulous. What more could I ask for?

Thanks for listening to my rambling, super honest post. Sorry it was so long!

That is all.



  1. aw, dude! i feel for you, i really do.

    hopefully things will get better from now on (:

    have a good day x

    1. Thank you so much! (: Your comment means a lot. I really hope things look up soon too.

  2. I know exactly who you are talking about and yeah... I totally agree. The sad thing is, there was no way you could ever see the hurt coming!
    Poor you though :( We really need to talk again soon.

    1. Wait, how did you know who it was? I didn't think that I had dumped my messy love life on you. (:

    2. Well, I could kinda tell.... You talked to him a lot (and by a lot, I mean A LOT) before, and then you kind of gradually stopped and now I never see you guys interacting at all. At least I'm pretty sure we are talking about the same person... it would be kind of awkward if we weren't haha.

  3. I hope you get over it soon! (Cuz then you can write about it.) I really hope it doesn't stop you from doing anything, like your tennis.
    They always say, when life gives you lemons, go to Ed Sheeran. (See? It rhymes and everything.)

    1. Haha, oh yes, a writer's way of revenge is making real life people into evil characters.

      That rhyme is perfection! One of my other favorites is, "When life gives you lemons, sell them and go get yourself an Ed Sheeran to hug." (:

  4. I've had the same thing happen to me a few times, and I'm tearing up now because it's really awful. I wish that the guys would know how we feel about so many things, but I guess boys will be boys. :) And yes, go eat food. Food is frabjous. And sing Let It Go at the top of your lungs. That helps me. :D

    1. I'm so sorry you had to go through that! It's definitely really awful. Guys just aren't usually as emotional as us ladies are, so there is that. To quote a Harry Potter book, they have "the emotional range of a teaspoon." (: Let It Go is my go-to song when I just need something to belt out.

  5. Pretend your tennis balls are his head and whack them as hard as you can.
    I have been ignored by many a guy so I kind of know how you feel.
    Fictional guys are always better and Ed Sheeran will never reject you!
    Hope everything gets better for you!

    ~D. Skye <3

    1. Excellent idea! Although I'm afraid I might accidentally almost kill someone if I hit it that hard. (:

      I'm sorry that you had that happen to you. It's really rough when you're friends with them and then they just ignore you without any real reason.

      Of course, fictional guys are better! I need me an Augustus Waters or a Neville Longbottom. They're some of my favorites. Ed Sheeran's not bad for a nonfictional guy.

      Thank you! I hope things look up too. (:

  6. perfect boy: noun, an unknown creature only available in books and movies
    ex: Augustus Waters
    :) anyhow I hope you have a great day today (and every day) and everything works out soon enough~


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