In Which I Have Writer's Block

Sad, but true. I had a mad typing streak going on a few days ago, and then bam. Brick wall to the face. (Not literally, thankfully, I'm not quite that daft.) I always hate it when that happens, and seriously envy those rare people who seem to be immune to this plague. But alas, I am not one of them.

So as you can see, this is a ridiculously boring post, and watching ladybugs wrestling a giant armadillo would be far more entertaining. Quite so. Anyway, I'm off to go wander in the world of Pendragon, a book that I haven't finished yet, and am planning on reviewing afterward. So far it's not really that interesting, but we shall see.

If you have tips on beating writer's block, feel free to shout them to the world in a comment, because the world (or at least a certain person named Seana) would love to hear it.

<3 Seana


  1. There is nothing writers like us detest MORE than Writers' Block. GHGHADHUADFZXNCBVJHAS\FGJHGAKWURQWOPOIUTEQ,MNASBD. That is how it makes me feel. BUT, feel consoled (a little, at least) by the fact that YOU ARE MOST CERTAINLY NOT ALONE and all writers have to suffer this seemingly endless dark tunnel. Never fear! You shall reach the end and pop! you'll be out into the glorious sunshine of ultra-inspired words. I pinkie pwomise.

    With Writers' Block i tend to just let it run its course, but try tumblr as a source of inspiration, maybe, or even just other blogs. Sometimes i'll switch on my dad's laptop and he'll have a play open in a word document which i'll read a bit of, and that usually gets my brain fizzing with ideas. Track down some poems or pictures or open a book at random and use the first sentence you read as a starting point for a story. Anything. All that matters is that you stick with it. Hope this helped (or, at the very least, made you feel less rubbish).

    Rose (:

    1. Muchas gracias Rose! [: Your advice is lovely. I shall indeed track down some poems and pictures to get the creative juices flowing (as revolting as that sounds).

      Thanks again!

      <3 Seana

  2. I totally agree with Rose. Reading or looking at pictures works for me too. Sometimes even just staring at a piece of writing I had been working on gives me new ideas.

  3. First thing to do is to figure out why you're stuck. If you suddenly introduced a talking duck to your story and couldn't go on-- whether for laughing or for writers' block reasons-- then it's probably the duck. If the story began slowing down from the point where you decided that the characters were going to break out of the maximum security prison, go back and consider if the story would be better off if the characters never escaped and were left to rot. Basically, writers' block is an apathy toward writing sparked by your subconscious telling you that this thing doesn't work. Figure out what's rubbing your subconscious the wrong way and eliminate it-- or at least make it magical-- and see if it's any better.

    That is the process to beating writers' block. A few other suggestions would be to put the story down, to go chop down a tree wearing plaid, or various other fun things. I suggest that you just keep writing if you can't find anything to eliminate. But of course, that's because I don't get writers' block. I get writers' treacle, sure, but not writers' block.

    1. Ah, yes. You are one of the few immune to the writers' block, eh? that you mention it, perhaps that taco incident should be altered a tad...yes...and perhaps I need to get rid of Boy #4 as well...he's a bit useless for the plot. Well, the wheels are turning in my head once again. Huzzah!

      Thank you much for your help!

    2. And it is true we are immune... When fact is fiction and TV reality... Sorry, that's from a U2 song. But yes, I'm immune. Hopefully you'll get there in future years.

    3. Aye, hopeful wishes and whatnot for that said immunity...

  4. I am suffering rather a bit of writer's blog on that evil story I sometimes call Snow White (sometimes, in my darker moments, I call it That Awful Novella That Ruins My Life And Won't Let Me Write It And Won't Get Out Of My Head And Freezes Me When I Open It In Word And Doesn't Like Being Handwritten Either, but that's a bit long, so, y'know...). HOWEVER, I was recently writing down my favourite song lyrics (why, you ask. Well, I don't know either...) and I was HIT BETWEEN THE EYES for an idea for another story. My Chemical Romance, you've done it again...:D :D

    1. Haha. Inspiration strikes at the oddest of times.


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