A Contest! A Contest! *happy music*

That's right everyone. We have reached 675 comments! *happy dance* Thanks to everyone here for sending out all of those lovely comments my way. And now, I believe a contest is in order. Shall I explain the rules?

The Rules:
- The entries must be in before the 8th of September when the contest ends
- The entries can be no longer than 1 page (because if you went and wrote a whole novel, I'd have to get a new blog just for that)
- You must include your name before or after your entry so I know who to award
- Your award must be either left in a comment on this post, or sent to my email (seana.j.vixen@gmail.com)

Those are the lovely three rules. Now then, what on earth are your entries about? Let me tell you.

For your entry, I'd like you to rewrite your favorite fairy tale. That's it. Just pick up your fairy tale and have at it. (Hint: Making it funny will boost your chances at winning)

Now then. The prize isn't anything special. It's simply.........

Yep. If I choose your entry as the most awesome, you will be able to create a guest post and have it posted on this blog. (If you have your own blog it'll be great for advertising *hint hint*)

So that's it. Spoof your favorite fairy tale, send it to be via email or comment, be sure to tell me your name, and TA DA! Guest post for a lucky person.

Hope ya'll enter!
<3 Sea


  1. This sounds so fun!
    I was wondering if for my entry I could sort of do a 5 years later thing? Like an epilogue of what happens later on?

  2. Replies
    1. That's good. I was hoping it wouldn't sound like a horrifying death sentence or something odd like that. :}

  3. Ha ha thats funny. Ooh I might enter this it sounds like fun and besides I kind of really need some advertising because I've had my blog for months and I only have like 3 followers...

  4. Beauty meets the Beast by Hilda

    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Belle. She was what one would call a book nerd, and she was proud of it. One day, when her stupid father wandered off and found a castle, his horse was spooked that he ran off back home without Belle's father. So naturally Belle got on the horse and he led her to the castle. There she found her father and said, "Now what have you gone yourself into?"

    Her father was terrified! He stared at something behind her and immediately Belle came face-to-face with a beast. The beast leaned closer to her and froze.

    Belle froze too but finally managed to say, "What the freak are you? You are freaking ugly."

    The beast howled with anger and told her that she had to stay if she wanted her stupid father to be free. So she said yes. Next she looked out the window and waved goodbye at her father before she broke into tears. The beast laid a paw on her shoulder and said, "I have cake."

    The next few days were awkward for Belle and the beast but finally came the time when Belle fell in love with him through his acts of kindness and really trying to control his temper. The beast held her in his arms under the sparkling moonlight and said, "I first fell in love with you when I first saw you."

    "Aww!" said Belle.

    "What about you?" he asked.

    She looked up into his eyes and replied, "You had me at cake."

    1. LOL, I got hyper when I was writing that. :P

  5. Would you allow the entry to be 1 1/2 pages long?

  6. UGH!!! I FORGOT!!! I'm so sad now :'(. Well, good luck to all the other contestants!

    1. You can still enter! It ends today, but you can still enter if you get it in by midnight.


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