19 Things I Learned By Age 19

Hello, lovelies!

First off, I want to thank you for bearing with me while I worked through some inner, emotional squishiness. This blog originally started as both a place for book reviews and a place for me to share my more private thoughts, and it will always continue to be my place to rest in the storms. The amount of endless support you all have given me is honestly so astounding and uplifting, and through it all I continue to be amazed by this little blogger community that we've all become a part of. So thank you.

I think I'm moving out of whatever weird funk I was in, though anxiety continues to be a battle that I have to keep fighting on a daily basis. Again, thank you for your support through everything, and I promise that I will be here if any of you ever need to talk. (:

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I have done two posts in this style in the past, which you can find by searching the blog, and since my birthday was this past Tuesday (whoo! Last year of teenager-dom!), I figured it was time to do this one once more.

So I hope you enjoy, and since I'm not sure if I'll be able to get a post up during Christmastime, I'll wish you all a happy holiday season right now. I hope it's full of family and food and more laughter than you ever thought possible.

I love you all.

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1.) Learning to play the guitar is more rewarding than it is challenging in the end. I highly recommend.

2.) It is not the wolves you must worry about. It's the wolves in sheep's clothing.

3.) Organized messiness is okay.

4.) If a friendship or any other kind of relationship makes your gut twist and makes you realize something is very very wrong, you have all the right in the world to confront the issue and cut people out of your life if you need to.

5.) Goodness often springs up from unlikely places.

6.) There is nothing that a cup of tea and an episode of The Great British Bake-Off can't fix.

7.) "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

8.) Social media is a wonderful way to share information and keep up to date on your friends, but it can easily become so so consuming. Take a break.

9.) Crying is okay. Laughing is okay. Going to bed early because you're sad is okay. Getting up early because you're so excited for the day is okay.

10.) There's a difference between seeking honest advice and playing the victim in order to gain someone's pity.

11.) You can't control what other people do, but you do have a say in your own actions.

12.) "You don't have to say 'I love you' to say 'I love you.'"

13.) "What if"s centered around the past are destructive.

14.) Friends are some of the most wonderful things in this life.

15.) It is so easy to take the desire to live a healthy lifestyle and distort it into something obsessive and highly dependent on numbers.

16.) Sometimes being brutal honesty is necessary.

17.) College is scary. Meeting new people is scary. Feeling lonely is scary.

18.) Being an extroverted introvert is a very strange dynamic. On the one hand, I love being with my friends and floormates, but on the other, it completely exhausts me and I'm happiest at home having a pajama party rather than going out. At college you're hardly ever alone, so being an introvert at heart has made it difficult for me to be the social butterfly that I still half-want to be.

19.) Being a small piece of this big world is okay, because you don't have to be big to be significant.

* * *

That is all.



  1. Happy birthday Sea! (About a month late... :/ it's been a while since I've checked up on blogs...) I hope you had a wonderful day and that this year is full of light and happiness for you! <3


    1. Oops, and my reply is about a month late too. ): But thank you, Des, I think this year is gonna be a good one!

  2. Woah this is crazy, I used to read your blog literally years ago and was going through old comments and came back to your blog again! It's so gorgeous here, I love what you've done with it (then again, I'd certainly be surprised if you left it for years). If you remember Awkward Donkey? Lol, that's meee.
    Anyways, these points are all so important, like being an extroverted introvert and college being scary and stuff. Dude this is all so relatable.

    Have a great weekend!
    Amy | Wandering Everywhere | My latest post

    1. Oh my GOSH! Yes, of course I remember you! (: Thank you so much, it took a lot of finagling with customizing a Blogger template to finally get it to look the way I wanted it to, so I'm quite happy with the results. (Side note: WOW your blog is stunning! Minimalism and clean-cut aesthetics are definitely a thumbs up in my book.)

      Hope you're doing well, and thanks for stopping by!


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