Strange Occurrences

Strange, strange things have been happening lately. Aside from the usual strange things like seeing an Ent in my backyard, or having a pegasus land on my roof, something really strange has been happening.

You may remember my post I did on spam a while ago. You may not. Either way, it seems that since I've touched on that topic, all of the spammer people sat back in their chairs in horror and whispered, "She's on to us! Retreat! Retreat!" You see, I have not received a single spam comment for several days. Huzzahs and hurrahs all around! Here, have a butterbeer. Fresh from Hogsmeade.

As happy as I am, I find this really strange. Why the sudden absence of spam comments? Did they all keel over? Did someone attack their Fortress of Spam and All Things Spammish with a hammer and explosives? Did their internet crash? Either way, I'm really thankful for whoever attacked their Fortress of Spam and All Things Spammish, because it keeps me from having to put up that robot fill-in letter thing. Yay.

So, cheers to strange occurrences, eh?


  1. WOW. Seana. They're scared of you!! Or maybe they're scared of Liam's awesomeness...OR BOTH! HOORAH!

    1. Bwa ha ha! I haven't asked Liam for his self-combusting help yet, so it seems they're afraid of me!

  2. Strange things are happenin' to me AIN'T NO DOUBT ABOUT IT strange straaaange things! ...Apologies. That song always makes me think of Toy Story. Anyway, hip hip hooray on the spamming front! Maybe the only way they made it through the Field of Awesome surrounding this blog was with some awesome-deflecting spray and now they've run out! You should probably go and burn the Spam Chemists to stop them getting more, though...(what am I talking about? Just, what?)

    1. I have no idea. Burn the Spam Chemists? Haha!

  3. Huzzah!!! The cowardly blackguards have retreated! Drinks all around! The battle has been won!
    All hail Queen Seana J. Vixen of The Totally Insane Writer!

    ~The Unstoppable Child

    1. *waves* Cheers to us all! We don't have to deal with the dastardly spammers for now!

  4. Spammers are weird. I don't understand them. :D But herhereher. Thank you, to whoever attacked the Fortress of Spammers. :D


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