I'm Not Dead! (But I Feel Like Death)

Hello, lovelies!

This month's hiatus has been brought to you by my body! (I'll explain in a moment.)

Also, October has been ridiculous. School's basically back in full swing, the Living Hope (the group of 32 singers I'm a part of) season has kicked off, and I have managed to get the nastiest cold of life.

It started out as my nose being stuffy and runny at the same time, then it morphed into my throat being just super swollen and weird, and finally turned into the phase of a super ticklish feeling throat that makes me want to cough every time I breathe (and the cough to breathing ratio has been about that).


I've also been feeling lightheaded, dizzy, and filled with sinus headaches and/or migraines. Yay! This is why my blogging has been sporadic and nonexistent. I just don't feel inspired to write a post when it feels like my head is going to explode. So while I'm not dead, I do feel like I've been run over with a truck a few times. The problem is, I'm that person who doesn't like missing school because I'm afraid of missing assignments and lectures that I will desperately need to know on an upcoming test or exam. I've been well enough to go to school, but I've been unable to really participate in the fun things my friends have been inviting me to.

I'm really sad that there have been very little posts this month, but I figured the nonsense that would've been spouting from my fingertips while I was feeling slightly delusional wouldn't have been good quality stuff. But I did miss you guys. I just had my hands full of tea and schoolwork and a box of tissues.

Hopefully this cold figures out it's not welcome and I'll be back to regular updates, but this little bugger seems determined to hang on. May the cough drops be mightier than the sore throat!

That is all.



  1. aw :( Love the colder months, but it sucks for things like this!
    Take all the time you need, I hope you get better soon! <3


    1. Thanks, Cait. (: I adore fall and winter, but right now I just want to enjoy my cozy sweaters in peace instead of whilst coughing.


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