It's Somebody's Birthday!

Drumroll please in anticipation of which fabulous person's birthday we're celebrating today!

*insert drumroll here*

Today . . .

is . . .

A.J. Ryan's birthday! Huzzah! For those of you who don't know him, A.J. sometimes comments around this little nook in cyberspace, and he's one of my buddies in real life. So, A.J., cheers to you for making it around the sun again. You must feel so accomplished. Thanks for putting up with my ridiculousness and crazy ideas, and thanks for editing some of my short stories for me too. You're a great friend, and I hope that you have an amazing birthday full of obsessive amounts of cake, crazy family time, and whatever other frolicking you decide to do! Happy birthday, you donut!

If you're reading this post, please take a moment to wish A.J. a happy birthday in the comments (and sign it as the "Magic Birthday Sheep" if you're feeling cheeky).

That is all.



  1. Magic Birthday SheepMay 3, 2014 at 2:08 AM

    Happy birthday, A.J. Ryan! I'm forever indebted to you for giving me an excuse to eat cake and ice cream.
    Magic Birthday Sheep

  2. Magic Birthday SheepMay 3, 2014 at 9:43 AM

    OH MY WORD I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING! This is why we're friends, Sea, it really is. Follow your dreams little sheep ;P

  3. The Magic Birthday SheepMay 4, 2014 at 8:53 AM

    Happy Birthday, A.J. Ryan!!!

    The Magic Birthday Sheep

  4. Thank you so much Seana. I had a great birthday. I love the sheep picture reference. But you are wrong about one account. You are the donut. Not me. Thanks so much Sea,
    Magic Birthday Sheep (A.J. Ryan)


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