16 Things I Learned By Age 16

Hello, lovelies!

I've been seeing a lot of these type of things on Twitter recently, and I'd like to make my own spin on it and tell you the 16 things I've learned throughout my 16 years of life. Some of them might be silly, but there are definitely some things that I wish I'd known when I was younger. So here they are! The 16 things I learned by age 16.

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1.) Be silly. Be weird. Cherish the little quirks you have because I can promise you will look back on them fondly later.

2.) Even if you've been doing something for your whole life, it doesn't mean you have to keep doing it.

3.) If something isn't bringing you happiness and is only weighing you down, get rid of it. That goes for people too.

4.) He might seem perfect now, but he is not what you need.

5.) It's okay to outgrow your friends. You might have felt like perfect puzzle pieces before, but life has sanded down your edges and it's okay if you don't fit together anymore.

6.) Experiment with makeup, fashion, hair, the whole nine yards. You might just discover you have a knack for something. If not, you'll have something to laugh about later when you realize polka dots and plaid might not have worked the way you thought it would.

7.) Not everyone wants to be your friend, but always be kind no matter the circumstance.

8.) You are not always right. If you mess up, just know that an apology is worth more than your ego.

9.) Don't discuss your dreams around negative people. They will shoot them down and discourage you.

10.) The strongest people cry the hardest.

11.) School is hard. Push yourself and don't ever bring something to the table that isn't your best.

12.) Give tight hugs.

(Voldy is still working on the whole tight hugs thing.)
13.) Be nice to people. Don't ever make an off-hand remark about someone's appearance, because you might be attacking their darkest insecurities.

14.) Learn to play an instrument, and stay with it.

15.) Have some things that are yours and yours alone. Be they physical possessions, memories, or special hiding places. Not everything needs to be shared on social media.

16.) It's okay to be "just friends", but never lead someone on. Love is hard enough without people playing games.

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Hope you enjoyed this different little post! I've got plans to keep doing one of these every year, so we can look back and see what's changed and what is still a core life lesson I hold close. What are things that you've learned in life? Comment them down below.

That is all.



  1. Ugh, you're like four years younger than me and already cleverer. *makes angry Treskie noises* I like dis doh. IS GOOD. You've got a really mature outlook, which is kind of rare to find in teenagers. Good for you. You awesome.

    1. Aw, Treskie, that's sweet of you. (: I've been told I carry myself like I'm older than I am, and there have been a decent number of people who think I'm in college because of that, haha.

  2. Oh, I love the thoughts in this post! (and you added GIFs ad made them funny) Yay for having a good sixteen years of life:)

  3. I really enjoyed this post! Would you mind if I did something similar on my blog? I'll credit you of course!
    -Cait xx


    1. Thank you! Glad you enjoyed. (: And of course you can do a post like this one. Go for it!

    2. You're welcome! Let me know when your post is up so I can see it. (:

    3. The post is up! xx

    4. Huzzah! I'll go check it out asap. (:

  4. Oooh. I like this one! Good post Sea.
    I approve of the gifs... :)

    ~D. Skye <3

    1. Thank you, Des! (: I quite enjoyed finding the gifs.

  5. I love the idea of things you'd tell your younger self. As a freshman, we had to write a letter to our future selves when we became seniors, and as weird as it is, I'm already planning a post revolving around a letter I'd write to my freshman self. So it'll be interesting to see what my letters contain.

    Also: firm handshakes are a MUST. No one likes the limp lettuce handshake. And the drawing darkly thing is the hardest for me. I hate hate hate being told to shade super dark because it's scary. (: I have learned that my dance skills are embarrassing at best, but hey, I can do a mean sprinkler. And yes to 5 and 6 of your list. 6 especially.


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