Lovely Literary Couples

We all have those couples from books that we "ship" (or support) the most, and I'm no exception. Here are the couples that are my favorite from the books I've read.

1. Faramir and Eowyn (Lord of the Rings trilogy)

These two are probably either my favorite couple or close to it. Their scene in the final book in the trilogy made me so happy, because both of them have gone through so much hardships that they deserve a little happiness.

2. Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters (The Fault in Our Stars)

I was reading this book and I just thought that they have one of the cutest relationships I've ever seen. They just do silly things together and live their lives to the fullest. It's also one of the saddest relationships I've read, but I won't go into that right now or I might need to buy some more tissues.

3. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger (Harry Potter series)

I love the fact that these two started out as friends (or rather, acquaintances who didn't enjoy being acquaintances). It wasn't one of those stories where the two see each other and BAM it's a connection, right there.

4. Ellie O'Neal and Graham Larkin (This is What Happy Looks Like)

I loved that the feelings were so realistic in this book. Ellie really does like Graham, but since he's a movie star and all, she's very careful to keep herself out of the spotlight, and Graham also protects her as much as he can.

5. O. Beetle Beetle and Jenna (Magyk series)

They might not be an official couple, but they're adorable nonetheless. I love how they tease each other and get upset with each other like normal people do. Their relationship is hilarious sometimes, and in the end they're always there for each other.

There was probably a few couples that I missed, or couldn't think of at the moment, but those are a few of my favorites.

Do you have a couple from a book that you love?

That is all.


  1. I love Peeta and Katniss from The Hunger Games series! (:

    1. Peeta is one of my favorite characters in the Hunger Games! (:

  2. Don't forget about Ginny W and Harry P from Harry Potter!

    1. Yikes, I forgot about them! They're awesome. (:

  3. I love Jamie and Landon from A Walk To Remember! They were so adorable!

  4. Alyss and Will in Rangers Apprentice. Also Four and Tris in Insurgent. Their relationship in Divergent wasn't as strong as it is in Insurgent. Oh, and Ada and Ravi in Diamonds and Deceit.

    1. I completely forgot about Alyss and Will! I love them! Ah, yes, Four and Tris. I loved their relationship in the first two books, but not so much in Allegiant. I don't think I've read Diamonds and Deceit. Is it worth reading? (:

  5. I'm sorry!! It was Cinders and Sapphires not Diamonds and Deceit! D&D is the second book and comes out on the 7th. The series is a lot like Downton Abbey if you've ever seen that.
    I read it on a review from Emma over at Awkwordly Emma. I thought it was pretty good . It had some language if that bothers you. There is also one character who is, ummmmm...odd in his relationship choices? Other than that, I read it in one sitting which I usually only do if I'm really interested.
    I haven't read Allegiant yet. I really want to.
    Another great literary couple is Enna and Finn in The Goose Girl and Enna Burning

    1. I have a friend who's really into Downton Abbey, but I've never seen it myself.

      I saw that review, too! I'm alright with a little bit of language in a book, but there's a point where sometimes it's a little over the top, you know? I'll see if I can find it at the library sometime! Thank you!

      Yet another book I should check out sometime. What's this one about? (:

  6. You haven't read the Books Of Bayern?!?!?!?! What is wrong with you? Just kidding The author is Shannon Hale. There are four books in the series: The Goose Girl, Enna Burning, River Secrets and Forest Born. The first one is a fairytale retelling. They are my favorite books of all time (sorry Heather Vogel Frederick!) There is no language, romance is perfect for my taste and they are the perfect length (500 pages or less)
    More literary couples I like are Chloe and Adam from Six Months Later (which is not the greatest book), Sean and Puck in The Scorpio Races (slightly better than Six Months Later) and Daisy Gatsby in The Great Gatsby (that was a good one)
    Also, this is Destiny Skye. Sorry! I keep forgetting to enter add that.

    ~D. Skye <3

    1. Haha, oops! I just haven't gotten around to reading those, I guess. I don't think I've heard of those other then just now when you told me! (: I'm definitely going to see if I can hunt down those books sometime.

      I have read The Scorpio Races, but I wasn't all that impressed by it. There were definitely some literary couples other then them that I loved more.

      Well, now that I know it's you, Destiny, might as well give you a proper hello. So, hello! (:

  7. Hello!!
    In The Scorpio Races, I liked how their thing built until the end as opposed to it reaching it's peak in the middle of the book. Other than that the book was kind of slow.
    Have you read anything by Ally Carter? She's another great author.

    ~D. Skye <3

    1. I agree that it was slow. I just didn't connect with the book, which is why I think I didn't like it as much as a lot of people did.

      I know her name, but I can't remember the names of the books she's written.

  8. She's written the Heist Society books and the Gallagher Girls series. They're really good.
    Have you read anything by Ally Condie? I liked Matched but I didn't really like the other books.

    ~D. Skye <3

    1. Oh, I remember now! (: Thank you. I haven't read any books by her, but I've seen them around.

      I read the entire Matched trilogy. Matched was really good I felt, but then Crossed and Reached fell flat for me. There wasn't much action or character development going on, and the ending of Reached actually kinda disappointed me.

    2. I really found Crossed and Reached hard to plow through. They were just kind of disappointing and boring.
      I'm reading The Power of Six by Picattus Lore right now. It's the second book in the I Am Number Four series. Have you read them? It's not to bad as second books go. It carries on the story well.

      ~D. Skye <3

    3. Sorry, *Pittacus*

      ~D. Skye <3

    4. Yup, I've read those books. I can't say that I was a huge fan of them, though. The main characters didn't really add to the story for me, and I never found myself caring about them. They just seemed a little shallow and whiny to me. The idea itself is cool, of them coming from another planet, but I feel like it wasn't carried out well.

    5. Everyone keeps getting arrested, it's kind of ridiculous. I do agree that they are shallow. I like you, you like him and me, I kissed her and you, she's in love with me. I really don't like love squares.\

      ~D. Skye <3

    6. As cliche as the love triangle is, I'm not a huge fan of the love squares either. Have you read the Jack Blank series? Those books are one of my absolute favorite series.

    7. One thing I do like about the I am Number Four series is Marina. She is a lot less shallow than everyone else. I just finished The Rise Of Nine and it had a horrible ending. The whole book barely even made sense.

      I have read them, and I really liked them too. I actually met the author at a street fair once.

      ~D. Skye <3

    8. Marina is probably my favorite character in that series. She's the only one who really seems like she has a good motivation and she looks out for other people. The ending was really strange, I agree. I didn't really understand what the author was trying to do.

      YOU MET THE AUTHOR?! I'm so jealous. He seems like a really cool person to meet and I would love to get his autograph.

    9. Indeed.

      ~D. Skye <3

  9. Have you read The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare? In my opinion it's fantastic and honestly I just love it but other people say they dislike it D: oh well, I suggest you read it anyway :)

    1. I've heard so much about The Mortal Instruments, but I never really got around to looking the books up and seeing what they're about. (What are they about, anyway? Mortals? Instruments?) Aren't they making a movie out of the series as well? (:

    2. I suck at explaining what books are about. Once someone asked me what Harry Potter was about and I was just all "Um... this guy... finds out he's magic... and like... he has to fight his evil dude..."
      So please, I suggest Googling the synopsis of it and looking through Goodreads.

      But for my version of what it's about, it's about a teenager named Clary who, as in the case of many fantasy books, finds out she actually has supernatural powers and can see things others can't... And basically it's about her, I don't want to give away too much!

      Yup, a movie of the first book, City of Bones (somewhat morbid title, but trust me, it's not horrific at all) released in August! I highly suggest reading the book before watching the movie though.

    3. Haha, oh don't worry about it. (: Sometimes people ask me what my favorite book is and I panic and forget every book I've ever read and stutter for a while before I come up with something.

      I found a little synopsis of City of Bones online, and it sounds really interesting. I'll definitely see if I can find it at the library sometime. Of course, I'll read it before I see the movie. That's the best way to do it, isn't it?


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