Why I Like Birthdays and Gingerbread Houses

Birthdays are one of my favorite things. It doesn't even have to be my own. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy other people's birthdays because I have an excuse to draw them a birthday pig.

It's also fun to scream "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" at a friend in the hallway and watch their face turn bright red. There's nothing I like better than a good birthday prank, either.

I really like birthdays because you get to sing to people and watch them awkwardly try to figure out what to do whilst you're singing. (You can also break out a different version of the traditional song, such as the Interpretive Dance version. It's quite refreshing.)

On a side note, I hung out with some of my lovely youth group friends, and we went a little nutso with some gingerbread houses and candy.

That is my masterpiece. Already there's some candy missing since I brought it home, but I was able to take some pictures before my family got at it. I'm really quite proud of this house, mostly because I didn't really know what I was doing and I wasn't quite sure how much sprinkles to use.

That is all.

<3 Seana


  1. Aww cute pig!! ❤️ and you did a great job making that gingerbread house. So cool!


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