Life Updates: College, Summertime Adventures, + Blogging Schedule

Hello, lovelies!

It's hard to believe that my summer is coming to an end soon. Today all of the kids from my old high school are heading back to school, and a lot of my fellow college freshman have already moved into their dorms, which is so crazy. I, however, am still working through Friday, and I don't get to move in until next Thursday which is a little sad because I'm so ready to get out of the house.

Yay, friendship! Also the camera decided to put a random red splotch on a really great location on my dress for some reason, which wasn't there in real life. But hey, at least the picture is cute.
As most of you know, I'll be attending Calvin College in Grand Rapids (which is about 45 minutes-ish from my hometown), and the plan right now is to major in psychology and either add communications on as a double major or as a minor. With that I'm considering going into a clinical psychology position someday, or if I go down a communications route then I'd probably do something with web design and marketing, but we'll see!

As for roommate stuff, I'll be rooming with the sweet girl who you see pictured on the right in the white dress, who I'll be referring to as "Ems" in all of my college-related posts instead of her full name for privacy reasons. (: She and I have been gathering up all of our dorm stuff and shopping for things we need, and it's honestly been so much fun planning out what's going to be our little home for the next school year and everything that's going to entail. On the left, you can see July, who's been a long-time friend and fellow blogger, and she'll also be joining me and Ems at the same college, which is exciting since it means she and I can trying to get a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs on campus (yes, that was an Owl City reference).

As far as the rest of my summer goes, I've been trying to hang out with friends as much as possible, because it's going to be at least a few months before I see them again, and even then it won't be everyone all together like before because of how schedules are going to line up. So far most of our hangouts have been outdoorsy-based, which I'm completely fine with because I love sunsets and campfires and spending time at cute little cottages along lakesides. (What I don't love is the abundant number of mosquito bites that are plaguing my legs at the moment. I AM THE ITCHIEST PERSON ALIVE! PLEASE SEND HELP!)

Of course, if you've been keeping up with my blogosphere and an open letter I wrote, you know I had a breakup about a month ago, which is something that wasn't part of my original summer plans, but you know, life happens. For all of you sweet readers who have been sending me emails and DMing me on my social medias, I love you all, and I'm doing really well through everything. Thank you for the continuous love you send me. (: Lost Boy and I have been able to talk things through for the most part, but I honestly don't know how close we'll be in the future because we'll both have our own lives in two different states at two different colleges. But hey, the world is full of so much potential and unknown, so we'll see what happens.

As for what blogging is going to look like when I get into the swing of college things, I'm going to do my very very best to stick to my schedule as normal (i.e. posts going up Monday, Wednesday, Friday), but I'm going to put school first above all else, because (in the words of Kathleen Lights) "das esspensive." You other college/uni students understand the pain of paying for books/tuition/board, and my GPA is a huge factor in keeping my main academic scholarship---a big reason of why I'm able to go to Calvin. I simply can't afford to lose it, and if I need to put blogging aside for a bit in order to make sure I can get a project/essay/dance party finished in time, I will.

But don't worry, I'll always come back, and I'll try to give you a heads up if I'll be gone for an extended period of time. My goal is to always have a post up once a week if even if I'm in a busy season of life, because this blog is like my second home, and it's where my heart is. Unless clearly stated otherwise that I'm leaving the blogosphere (which I have no plans to do in the near future), just know that if I disappear for a bit, it's just because I need some me time and have to make sure I buckle down and power through my academics.

* * *


I know this was a longer post, but if you read all the way through, thank you so much! It felt good to just get all of this out there, and hopefully you enjoyed my little update. (: I'm BEYOND excited to see what the future is gonna hold for me, and I can't wait to take all of you along for the ride.

That is all.



  1. Yay Sea! I can't wait to see how your college experience goes and follow along with you. I know it will be amazing!!

    ~Des <3

    1. Yay I'm glad you'll be along for the ride. (: I'm thinking of doing a dorm tour once we're all set up, so stay tuned for that coming in the next couple weeks!


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