Harry Potter vs. Twilight


  1. Ooh, that could be a problem. But all of my friends detest Twilight (I have never read it, so we're good :).
    However, one of my friends...*gulps*..."hates" Harry Potter *shaky breaths.* She claims it was--and these were her exact words--"too detailed*.
    TOO DETAILED?!?!?!?!
    How is that possible...I can't...urrrrrrrrggggh...

    1. Well, I'd say Tolkien's work is too detailed, but Rowling's? I wouldn't agree with that statement. o:

    2. Exactly. Rowling uses such simple details that still create such a vivid picture...or at least for me.
      Then again, though, this friend is much more of a Hunger Games type of person than a fantasy lover, like me.

    3. Hunger Games was okay. Sure, when I read it I was like, "Oh my goodness. I love this series." Then I read them over again and thought, "Gee...I'm not sure how I liked this."

      But yes. I agree that Rowling uses simple words and details and yet you can see the scene so clearly.

  2. I have several friends who say that...that...th-that...THAT HARRY POTTER IS RUBBISH! GAH! And yet, they STILL sing Harry Potter in 99 Seconds and watch Potter Puppet Pals and the like...GRR IT MAKES ME ANGRY! As for Twilight - I liked the books but the films, if it were not for Robert Patinson's supreme beauty, would be unwatchable nightmares.

    1. Robert is in movie #4 of Harry Potter, and there's a joke that Voldemort killed him and then Robert turned into a vampire in the Twilight series. xD.

      HARRY POTTER PUPPET PALS?! I love that so much. <3

  3. Twilight came up in my history and Shakespeare class yesterday, and I thought, "Is this Torture Emma day?" I have never read Twilight, but my BFF who likes to write has, and she said they killed her writing skills for a week. And while I definitely don't agree with Harry Potter's premise, and although I've never read the books, I've heard their writing quality is much better, so I'll at least respect them for that.

    1. Ah, I read a book sometime ago (not Twilight, though I can't remember the title), that shattered my writing skills too. I hate it when that happens, don't you? D:

      I never read Twilight, but I'd say just from what I've heard, Harry Potter has more of a plot going for it.

  4. Twilight is a waste of your time... good I guess, but you're right, it does kill your writing skills! It's crazy what books can do... :P

    1. Isn't it? Oh, by the way, I've got a snack for the movie tonight that I'll bring.

  5. I loved the twilight books and the harry potter books that I read (up to number 4) equally. But they are completely different genres really. Yes, both are fantasy. But one is about super hot vampires, and one is about a wizarding school. They can't really be compared fairly, can they? :)

    1. True. One involves vampires that sparkle, another involves Dementors that suck out your soul. I guess you could only compare the different plots of how suspenseful they are?


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