I Have Officially Died Inside

I have finished the Deathly Hallows.

Book 7.

The Harry Potter series.

I think I just died inside.

To be more accurate, I finished the book two days ago (and therefore died inside two days ago), but I needed time to pull myself together and stop blubbering for just a moment and just write a post. It was hard. So very hard.

Now, if you have not finished the Harry Potter series yourself, I hereby command that you close your eyes, scroll really fast, and say hello to the bunny rabbit at the bottom of my blog before not reading the rest of this post. Thank you for your consideration.

Wow...I mean...just wow. I love how the author was able to give each book their own plot, but make them part of something bigger. Able to connect the entire series together, and wrap up the ending so that we sit back go, "Aah, so that's why that was the way it was!", and then want to go crawl in a hole and cry because the series is over. I really have to admire J.K. Rowling and how she managed to keep the books going without them getting too dull (although book 5 was a smidge dull at some parts). I really did like this series, and I think that other people should most definitely read this series, more times than one if they can.

But alas, it is over. There is no more Harry Potter books left.

...I think I'm going to cry. *thanks the invisible teddy who brought her a tissue*

And this is probably what my face looks like:

That is all.


  1. While I greatly admire J.K. Rowling and her ability to connect with both her younger and older readers making the books a good experience for the whole family. The characters really come alive and make you grief-stricken, cheerful, annoyed, amused, etc. That being said, I still can't seem to recover from the "virtual" face slap delivered via the ending of the seventh book.

    *Spoiler Alert* People are dying, war is raging, and some seventeen-year-old best friends escape the apocalypse with a few scratches. Don't get me wrong, I like happy endings; but how often is it that all of the main characters escape alive? It almost seems a bit anticlimactic as if, during development, someone anticipated an angry mob crashing through their doors and boycotting their series and said, "NOOOOPE, not going there," choosing instead to hold our hands complete with a "nineteen years later" scenario. Perhaps I'm just being cynical.

    All of that being said, if you have not yet registered for a Pottermore account, I think you should give it a try. http://www.pottermore.com/ Rowling gives extra insights to backgrounds of some of the important characters in the series like Malfoy in an interactive experience of the books where you can collect chocolate frog cards among other things while trying to keep Aunt Petunia's pudding afloat for 10 seconds. It's like the books never ended. (Perhaps un-surprisingly I ended-up in Slytherin.)

    1. Of course, someone gave me false grief when they told me that ***UM...SORT OF A SPOILER*** Ron dies in book seven. So I was extremely freaked out, and by page 734, I was going, "Erm...Ron's taking quite a while to die..." And then it turned out that he didn't. >_<

      Ooh. Pottermore. I shall see what's what, and perhaps sign myself up. (: Thanks MiniMoose.

  2. Oh I'm Slytherin all the way but Seana may I have permission to share a few HP um.."secrets". *Doesn't wait for her to answer* Actually these aren't exactly secrets but more like Harry Potter stuff I found interesting
    -Dementers were based off of the feeling JK Rowling had when she had her divorce
    -She was going to kill off Arthur Weasly but didn't want to leave seven families father-less (I don't know the seven but Harry and Voldemort *cringe I said his name* were two of them)

    *steps back from microphone and bows*

    1. She was also going to kill off Ron mid-series...BUT HE'S THE COMIC RELIEF!!!!!!

    2. I love finding all those random tidbits on the internet. (:

      Did you know that the inscription on the Mirror of Erised can be read backwards? The spaces between the words do not correspond with the words themselves though, making it tricky to read unless you piece it together. If you did, it reads, "I show not your face, but your heart's desire."

    3. Yes, the first time I read it, I thought it was some HUGE plot detail, so I kept trying to figure it out. I did :D.

    4. I tried reading it backwards, but couldn't figure out the words because of the spaces. So I gave up and assumed it was in Latin. xD.

  3. I watched the second Harry Potter movie yesterday. Colin reminds me of a chipmunk. xD.

  4. FRIIEEENDS!!!!! *quickly logs into pottermore*

    1. I'm NimbusFloo7979, MiniMoose. What are you? :D

    2. The ninja that already friended you: SeerRiver18894

    3. P.S. If you give any of your stuff away or use any of your potion ingredients you can go back to the scenes where you originally find them and they should reload for you so you can pick them up again. (Doesn't work with money.)

      It took me forever to figure that out, so figured I'd give you a heads-up.

    4. Ah, good to know! I think I sent you a Prefect badge, then freaked out because it went bye-bye from my trunk. Then I went back to the scene and was like, "Oh my good gracious! *clicks Prefect badge* IT IS HERE!" xD.

    5. Eheheh, I was wondering who that person was! They sent me a Bertie Bott bean. (: And now I know it was you! Thanks, bud!


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