Oops My House Got Hit By An Asteroid


As you can see by the title of this post, I've been having strange dreams. Really strange.

Like.....so strange I think that even Harry Potter could not top it for strange dreams. Okay....perhaps he could. As could several other fictional characters.

One example of a strange dream was that several people from my school decided it would be fun to mix together random chemicals and see what happened. (*Spoiler!* Everything blew up!)

Another was that someone was wearing a water buffalo costume and dancing in the middle of a deserted island. Yeah. I don't get it either.

I also had one where the title of this post came into play. That was also quite odd. A random asteroid just went shmack into my rooftop, startling the hippogriff I have up there with the pegasus.

Anywho, that was my random post because I'm braindead. Wahoo.


  1. Nice usage of the word "shmack." I hope your hippogriff is okay.

    1. Thank you. I'm sure he is. Hippogriffs can take a lot.

  2. Hi, Sea!
    You know, when Liam said he was braindead, I offered to drill a hole into his skull. A long time ago, the cure for a headache was to drill a hole in someone's head (to release the demons). It might work for being braindead, too. Would you like me to try?

    ~The Unstoppable Child :)

    1. Hello, Robyn! (:
      Oh dear. I'd like to keep my head free of holes, actually. But that is an interesting tidbit of information! To release the demons...hmm!

    2. The fatality rate is kinda high for it... yeah, maybe I'd better not. But let me know if you decide that you need this. :)


    3. If I ever figure out that drilling a hole in my head will not result in death, I'll give you a poke and let you know.

    4. Great! I'm here for you. ;)


    5. Thank you, Robyn. Glad I can count on you to drill a hole in my head. (:

  3. Hooray for strange dreams... Not that mine are quite as extreme as yours, they're just plain bizarre.

    Like, say, my old art teacher magically becoming my swim coach and instructing me to swim in the Olympics with a panda. And I'm not even a swimmer... (not a competitive one, anyway).

    But dreams can sometimes be pleasant. Though not, of course, when your poor hippogriff is being bombarded by asteroids.


    1. Bahaha! Well, at least you had a panda in yours. I love those fuzzy buddies!


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