I'm Not Dead!

I drove this week. For the first time on Thursday.

Quite honestly, I think I over thought myself into a state of terror that didn't have to be there. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, and I'd have to say that I did pretty well. My instructor even told me so, which has to count for something right?

I must say, it was actually fun. I did actually like driving. I don't know why, but there's something fun about clicking the blinker and having the big hunk of metal follow your lead with the steering wheel and turn onto the next street. It's actually kind of satisfying.

I'm actually laughing a little right now because I'm making a post about how accomplished I feel for turning a car. What a silly person I am.

Even so, I'm alive, and homecoming's tonight! Huzzah! I'll be hanging out with friends in a new dress, so what could be more fun? I'll take a picture of my dress eventually, but right now I'm starving, so I think I shall go hunt down some food.

That is all.


  1. http://www.someecards.com/usercards/nsviewcard/MjAxMy05YWRhMjU3ZWJmYzdkMzJj

    I made it myself. :)

  2. Yay! You're alive! And it is excellent that you did well. :)

    Having been homeschooled for the majority of my school years, I never had homecoming or prom. Have a good time at yours!

    ~Robyn Hoode

    1. Yay indeed! (:

      It was fabulous! A little sweaty and warm, but that's what I get for going into a large room with the entire school.

  3. Yay for living! Living is good! I'm so glad you're enjoying driving.

    I too worked myself up into terror during driver's ed, and I'm glad you're getting over it. I didn't, and it lasted about a year. Not a good way to spend one, if you ask me.

    Glad your homecoming was fun! I've never been to a homecoming, but there is a homeschooled prom that I've gone to for the last three years. Fun fun fun! I would love to see a picture of your dress. :)

    1. Living is extremely good! (:

      Oh dear, having driver's fright for a year sounds dreadful!

      It was so much fun! Stuffy, yes, but very fun.


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