Well, Fishsticks

I have a problem.

It's looking more and more like my Auguest surprise isn't going to happen in August. (The mini series where each week in August I have a guest post from bloggers and authors.) I know I told you I'd keep Guestober on deck in the event that Auguest feel through, and I think that's what I'm going to have to go with. (Guestober being the October cousin of Auguest.)

The reason that I'm putting Auguest on the shelf for a bit, is because several of my guest posters just needed more time. They hadn't gotten a chance to read my email until a very short while ago, and they felt like they wouldn't be able to create a quality post on time. Another thing is that I had an author or two who just couldn't make a post for me because of their busy schedules.

So because of all that, not only is Auguest going on hiatus for a bit, I'm also in need of a few more guest posters to fill in the gaps. Please send me an email, or contact me via Twitter or a comment to let me know if you're free for Guestober. I'd really appreciate it.

In the meantime, if you'd like, I've set up some navigation tabs at the top of my blog, so if you're bored you can go give those a look-see.

That is all.



  1. If you have absolutely no one else, I'd be glad to guest post. Any specific topic? When would you be needing it?

    ~D. Skye <3

    1. Thank you, Destiny! Sorry for such a late response. You can do any topic you'd like, and I'd like it well before Guestober actually begins. Say . . . About halfway through September? (:

    2. You're welcome! Do me a favor and pick a topic or two? Something random or philosophical will do. If that's too much trouble for you then you can forget about it.

      I'll try to get it to you soon.

      ~D. Skye <3

    3. Hmmmm . . . You could do an About Me post, something funny like why people are like cats, or maybe just your opinion on why eggs are a stereotypical breakfast food. (: Hope that helps you think of ideas!

    4. Ooooh! Thank you!

      ~D. Skye <3

    5. No problem! Just send it to me in an email when you're finished. Thanks again! (:


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