I've Been Thinking

Y'know, I've been thinking lately, which is a dangerous pastime for me.

I've been thinking of changing my blog URL to match the title of my blog, so that my name isn't just chilling up there in the web address bar. As much as I've been thinking it would be a good idea, this idea comes with a lot of hassle, because every single time someone's linked me from their site, if someone clicked it, it wouldn't work because the URL would be changed. And that would mean that everyone who has linked me on a blog button would have to change it to the new URL as well, because that link wouldn't work either.


I need your input. Leave me a comment, or you can just vote on the poll I'll set up after posting this post.

Do you think I ought to change the URL, and would you be willing to change the linkup on your sites as well if I did? Or do you think it's really just fine the way it is?

That is all.


  1. Well of rather you leave it be because its a big hassle to change everything for me too. If you leave it, no one will mind that its different. Yes, typos, I know :P

    1. I'm really sorry, bud....but could you repeat that? I'm a little confused. (:

    2. Yeah I realized after I published it that it was a bit loopy.....
      Ok so, I would rather have you keep it like it is because I have your blog linked all over mine..... Plus all your followers would have to unfollow you then follow you again, and that's sort of a hassle for me, maybe others think the same?

      People have seanajvixen in their heads and if you change it, people may not visit your blog as often, also, some might be confused if they did not get to read these post before they change it because it will say "this blog does not exist" if you try to get to it after someone changes it.

      If you keep it the same, no one will mind if your address is different than the title of you blog. I personally like seeing Seana J. Vixen at the top because it makes you more real, especially if you don't sign your name at the bottom of your posts, at least people will still remember that you have a name, not that they'll forget, I mean I see you everyday, but other people may just refer to you as "the totally insane writer blog" and if you change your address, that will make you even more "nameless".

      But hey, it's your blog and your choice, so go ahead and do whatever you want!

    3. Gotcha, gotcha.

      You really do hate my sign-offs for posts, don't you? :P

    4. Yeah, I do. I could have quite a bit to say on that matter, but the best idea would be to keep it to myself xD

    5. Yep. I'm just going to agree. :P

  2. I do have your blog button on my blog (but it's still tiny because I can't figure out how to make it a good size without it being huge XD) and I wouldn't mind changing it, but as the message might not make it to everyone I suggest just keeping it as it is unless you really, really, want a new URL, in which case of course you should change it :)

    1. If you want to change the size of the button, or any other photo you have, you could always use picmonkey.com which is a website that lets you edit photos for free. (:

      That's the dilemma. I don't quite think that I will anymore, just because it's so much work, and there's always the chance that someone won't get informed. D:

  3. Hi I was on your blog The Creative Clique and was browsing your recipes. One in particular I found intriguing was the lemon meringue pie made with crackers and condensed milk, which I've never heard of and wanted to try. Some things in the recipe were not clear, so if you could please read my comment and answer my questions that would be great. Thanks!

  4. Whatever you want. :) Your decision is fine by me. If you do change it, please send me your new URL over on my blog in the comment box so I can change it. :)

  5. Yikes I hadn't even thought of the followers that would have to re-hunt me down.

    Hmm....I'll think this over some more. (: Thanks for your opinion!

  6. No. Don't change it. Having your name as your URL is extremely convenient, even though it doesn't match the title. What would happen if you did change URLs, and then you changed titles? You'd have to go change URLs again. Keep it as your name, and as long as that's the name you blog under, it will be understandable. Now my URL, however...

    1. I see what you mean. That would be a huge hassle to deal with time and time again.

    2. Most people I know change their URLs just to fit their name. Charley R., Allegra D., Miriam Joy...


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