The Most Frightening Moment In My Writing Career

Alright, career is hardly the right word for it, I admit.

But it is really the most frightening moment I've experienced while writing my various things.

Why is this moment so scary? I've decided. To delete and rewrite an entire chapter that I recently wrote. Sure, deciding to rewrite the entire story (a decision I made earlier this year), was scary, but I didn't delete the first (unfinished) draft. Deleting something is really terrifying. There's some good stuff in there, and I don't want to lose it. But the thing is, the rest of the chapter is terrible. Really, it's just awful.  I'm rambling and making no sense, and my main character really needs a slap to the face.

It's better this way. It gives me a fresh start to the chapter, instead of trying to wade through and edit the thing. I'm scared, I'm terrified, and I'm seriously nervous.

But I'm going to do it.

So long, chapter! May your future self make far more sense than you do!

*highlights chapter*


*hits the delete key*

Farewell, chapter.


  1. I think that sometime in your story for the fun of it, just have someone randomly slap them, that would make it interesting.

    Wait. Nope, that wouldn't make it more interesting, but it would be funny!

    1. Actually...I like that idea. It adds tension.

  2. Good luck! Although personally I would still save it just in case......

    And, Sea, dear, you have a typo. Since you always seem to enjoy pointing out mine, my time has come come to point out yours :D
    I do believe that you meant "sense" in the phrase "May your future self make far more self than you do!"
    Haha, love ya Seana Vixen!

    1. Oops. Didn't notice that. But perhaps making more uh...self would work too!

  3. You are a stronger being than I, Seana. MUCH stronger. I would be shaking and perilously petrified if I even ENTERTAINED the notion of deleting a chapter. Honestly. Good luck with it. I'm sure your second attempt will be miles better! But do remember that it is your first draft, so it's allowed to absolute crap because of the joys of EDITING! Yaaaaaaaaaay, editing! :D

    1. Hurrahs for editing! Although, editing can be brutal at times. Change one little thing, and then you must make sure that the change doesn't clash with something later in the story. Chain reactions...*shudder*

    2. I LOATHE chain reactions. Hate is a very strong word. However "loathe" is stronger.....

    3. I quite like the phrase, "I harbor a deep hatred for..." it's very dramatic.

  4. I did the same thing this weekend, too! Well, I didn't delete a whole chapter, but I edited out a scene because it didn't fit with the direction my book is heading in. I lost about 200 words, but it was worth it.

    1. Sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do, eh? (:

  5. I'm doing the same, only instead of deleting the old chapters, I made new pages and saved the old ones just in case.

    1. Which is a good idea, but whenever I save stuff from the old, I find myself going back and reading the old stuff, and what's supposed to be a new draft ends up nearly the same as the old. This way is what works for my insane brain. (:

    2. LOL! Every writer has their own way of doing their job. I say go with it. :)

  6. Ooooh, I had to do that recently. Actually, I didn't delete the stuff, just started over my ENTIRE story in a new document. It's definitely HAAAAAAARD to actually delete stuff, though. Goooone. Foreeeevvvveerrrr.

    *Clears throat* sorry about that.

    1. No problem. I restarted a story in a new document too. (: Sometimes I just need a fresh start.

  7. Coming from a fellow writer, you are a brave. brave soul. I salute you. (Salutes)

    What might be even more frightening is when the computer crashes/dies before you've saved what you've written. I've had a good many mini heart attacks when that happens...Thank Goodness for auto save!

    BTW, I love love love your blog! I started reading it about a month or two ago. You have a great blog going here! :)

    1. The program I use for writing, sadly, doesn't have auto-save, so whenever my computer decides it's time for a sudden, unexpected's not a good day. (:

      Aw, thanks! And thanks for leaving a comment, too! It's kind of crazy to think of how many people might be reading my blog.


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