We Welcome You, 2013

Another year has come and gone.

I've gotta say, this year has been pretty nice. I'll miss it.

I wasn't quite sure what to stick in this post, but without further ado, I bring you the highlights of The Totally Insane Writer 2012.

1. I finished The Hobbit for the first time. A while ago I tried reading the first Lord of the Rings book in the trilogy, but I couldn't do it. I tried, I really did try, but the story just wasn't for me. So I put it away for a while, read a few other books, and then later picked up The Hobbit. I gave it a whirl, and after plowing my way through the first few chapters, I came to love the characters, the story, the setting. And now I'm actually loving the first LotR book, simply because I know what's going on and who people are. I understand how people love Tolkien's books so much now.

2. For the first time, I sampled a pomegranate. Those things are delicious. It's like eating tons and tons of mini grapes.

3. Last year I read the Harry Potter series for the first time (funny how many things I did for the first time). I fell in love with those characters, stories, and settings too. I didn't have the same struggle to get into it like I did with Tolkien's books, and I flew through those books. I'll always be a Neville fan at heart.

4. I got creative with my writing and completely rewrote one of my stories. I'm really pleased with how it is going, and I like how I changed characters and added a few. They've really spiced up my story, and added some tension between characters.

5. I painted my nails in crazy designs. (UP, One Direction, Nerds...)

I also want to thank everyone reading this, commenting on this, and following my blog. You guys are fantastic. This blog wouldn't be where it is without you. Thank you!

Welcome 2013. May this year be as awesome as last year and better!

Happy New Year everyone!

That is all.


  1. Woooo! 2013!

    Sounds like a great year, Seana! :D

    1. It was pretty awesome! (: How's the guest post coming along?

  2. You should do the Up nails again, those were AWESOME!

    1. I should...but I have something else up my sleeve. (: HARRY POTTER NAILS! Actually, I was thinking of doing one hand with 1D and the other hand Harry Potter. o:

    2. Not to worry, I ditched that idea pretty quickly.



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