Hello? Bonjour? Hola?

Lately I've noticed something strange. Peculiar.

In the past few days, views of my blog dropped massively, and comments dwindled out to zero on my latest posts.

So I thought I'd check on you all.

Are you okay? Is your internet down? Has your computer crashed? Are you being held captive in a secluded area and are probably going to have to face unimaginable amounts of rabid baboons soon? If that's the case, I'm sorry. I really am.

Or perhaps you guys have just been getting bored with me. Is there something that you've been dying for me to blog about?

Of course, there's the final option that my posts have been lame lately. That could easily be. I'll have a fun post coming up sometime this week.

Anyway, I just thought I'd drop in and ask if you all were doing fine and dandy.

That is all.


  1. Im doing fine. I noticed that too I only got one comment on a post and I thought the pictures looked good):

  2. Sorry I haven't posted lately. Been sick and lazy.:P

  3. Aw, sweetie, I'm not bored with you. I'm just super busy with end-of-the-school-year stress. :) I promise once summer hits, my commenting will be back up to it's usual awesomness. :)
    I'm sorry!!


    1. Ah, yes, the end of the school year cram session. It's always a busy time. (:

  4. So sorry! I read your blog daily, but I have little time to comment. Like Treskie, I'll be commenting A LOT more during the summer :).

    <3 Hermione

  5. Sorry about that! I have finals coming up soon, and I still have a billion other things to do. In fact, I'm putting off a huge load of homework right now...but I always find your posts interesting! :)

    Haha, I haven't gotten any comments on my past 3 posts. But then again, they weren't nearly as good posts as yours.

    1. Ooh, yikes! Good luck with your finals! (:

      Oh, come now. They were fab posts! Maybe like my viewers yours were busy with schoolwork?

  6. *Guilty face* Don't take this the wrong way, but somehow I completely and totally forgot you existed the past few days. YIKES! I HAVE NO EARTHLY CLUE HOW THAT HAPPENED!

    I'm back now though. :) SORRY!

    1. That's okay! It was probably a subconscious signal from your brain telling you to take a few days away from me so that I wouldn't transfer my insane writing madness to you. (:

    2. Ohhhh I don't know about that. I'm pretty insane already. ;)

    3. Haha! There's plenty of insanity going around in the writing world. (:


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