It's Time To Make People Question Our Sanity

What's that you say? You have a bunch of spare time today? That's wonderful! Listen closely.

I need you to pick your favorite superhero. Superman, Batman, Hulk, Wonder Woman, whatever. Figured out which one is your favorite? Excellent. I need you to dress up like that person. It's alright if your Iron Man costume is made of duct tape and packing peanuts; it only has to last for a few hours.

Now that you're looking awfully snazzy in your packing peanuts and duct tape, head over to the nearest elevator. Whether it be at the mall or at the zoo, I need you to go there. Pronto. Take your computer with you if you must if you're not finished reading this post.

Once you have reached the elevator, please step inside. Once inside the elevator, make yourself comfortable until someone comes on. For this to work well, find someone who looks especially geeky (look for a "Resident of Middle-Earth" T-shirt, pair of Harry Potter glasses, or a Mockingjay pin) and somewhat gullible. If this person is really tough and scary looking, you might not want to attempt this prank on them.

Since the target has now been located, make sure that they're either the only person on the elevator, or that there's very few others. It won't do to have a crowded elevator (if this happens, feel free to start excessively sneezing on everyone, bringing a squirt bottle with you to make the sneezes more authentic).

Try to act normal for a few minutes while you wait for the elevator to move. It's only for a few minutes, I promise.

Once the elevator starts moving, casually glance at your geeky neighbor. Keep your gaze on them until they meet your eyes. Stare at them for a second or so more, and then let your eyes widen and your mouth gape open. Procede to scream, "You're one of THEM!"

After screaming, start banging your hands on the elevator doors, screaming various things about alien invasions, enemy territory, and imminent doom until the doors open. Once they open, feel free to go sprinting off into the great blue yonder while the geek from the elevator either stares at you and questions your sanity, or questions their own sanity and everything they've known, really, truly wondering if they're one of them.

That is all.


  1. Sea...I may have to question your sanity for writing these types of posts. ;)

    "It's only for a few minutes, I promise." But...but...I don't know if I can manage it for a few minutes!!! D:

    1. Well, my sanity was already in question because of my blog title. (:

      You can do it! I have complete faith in you!

    2. Oooh good point. Snap.

      Okay! I was totally kidding. I can act normal okay. It's hard, but I can, usually. xD

    3. Score one for the insane one! Ba-boom! *fist pump*

      Huzzah for you!

  2. I really need to start doing these pranks. They are excellent. :)

    1. Stay tuned later this week, because I've got a whole post devoted to, I think, 26 pranks you can do in an elevator. (:

    2. Ooh, is farting and blaming it on the person with you in that list? :P

    3. But there are plenty of other good ones! (:

  3. This is random, but has anyone tried to go to Lily's Notebook in the last few days? I usually check Lily's blog, but its disappeared.

    1. I just tried, but it says it's been removed. ):

    2. She changed the url. It's now

  4. Ooh! I love elevator pranks! I've always wanted to walk into an elevator, freeze at the person standing there, just whisper, " it's you!" and run away.

    1. I have a ton of elevator pranks in a post coming up sometime this week. (: Yay for pranks.

  5. The need to do this burns within me.

    It BURNS, Seana.

  6. You have the most hilarious pranks. I really ought to try one...but I'm afraid I would be much to shy to do so. Have you done this? Or have you done any of the pranks you've posted? :)

    Love your blog :) Please keep it running!


    1. I've actually never tried any of the pranks I post, but I do want to try a few! But first I must find my accomplice.

      Aw, thanks! I have no intention of stopping it anytime soon. (:


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