Grab your megaphone!

Lately a lot of my friends have been obsessed with Facebook, but since I don't have one, nor do I have any desire to, I just grab my megaphone and yell out what I'm doing at regular five-second intervals. Actually, I really don't do that. It would be fun to, actually. But as I was saying, I really don't have a use for a Facebook account other than to keep in touch with relatives (preferably not my frightening great-aunt) and friends. Other than that, it would just be a useless additive to my life. And what if I became obsessed with it; what if I felt like I had to be using it all day long without ceasing for a cookie break? Believe me, I need my cookie breaks.

And what even is there to do on the said Facebook? Perhaps I could leave little notes like, "Don't get skewered by unicorns!" or "Right now I am sitting at the computer typing this!" Wouldn't that be fun! Hehe. I haven't the slightest idea what made me think of this right now, but now that I am thinking about it, it refuses to leave my head no matter how much I beg, plead, or bribe.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Useless and time-consuming? Or eye-opening wonders?

<3 Sea


  1. I love posting my thoughts for my friends to hear. I'm homeschooled, so they get to hear what I'm up to and also hear what genius thoughts have popped into my head.

    1. That's true. I'm sure you have many of those genius thoughts. (:

    2. Haha, not too many. They only come around once a week or so.

    3. Are you sure? Surely you have them coming at regular five-second intervals! :D

  2. I'm no socialist, so I say no for Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, whatever. Twitter is for twits-- remember that.

    I just nominated you for an award:

    1. And as an additional present, I think Phil Phorce will be starting up again tomorrow... Not sure about that, though.

    2. *squeals* Ahem. Excuse me for that outburst. Just got a tad excited there.

    3. *runs around squealing again* Deary me...I must control myself a squick more. I did enjoy it very much. It was quite good indeed. (The villagers' boredom was hilarious!)

    4. Thanks. I think you'll like the episode as a whole.

  3. Don't worry, you're not alone--I don't have Facebook either, but my older sis is OBSESSED with it. Ugh. It gets on my nerves SO much. This is what she usually says to me:
    "Can you believe that ____ has more friends than on Facebook?"
    "So I was checking Facebook..."
    "When I was on Facebook..."
    And here is one of our actual conversations:
    Her: Did you see what ____ posted on Facebook?
    Me: I don't even have a Facebook.
    Her: Oh. Right. Duh! Well, it was funny.
    Me: What was it?
    Her: Oh, it's not that big of a deal.
    I swear she does this to get on my nerves. I swear.

    1. Poor you. Obsessed sisters don't sound like fun. (:

  4. Yes, well, the good news is, she promised not to post any pictures of me :D.

    1. Oh yes, that is always a good thing. I hate people taking pictures of me, because I always look like I'm grimacing. xD.

  5. Hey Seana,
    Speaking of Facebook, I just saw a post by HVF that the excerpt for WYWE is finally up! Facebook is good... sometimes.

    -D. Skye <3


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