Of Fat Suits and Lipsticks

It's been rather hectic lately, preparing for the upcoming play and all.

And what with me being Mrs. Drysdale (From the Beverly Hillbillies), the costume crew and the directors both agreed that I needed to be...plumper. You see, I'm rather....small, and she's a bit....large. So they ordered a fat suit (which is pretty much a thing you wear that has nice hearty pockets of stuffing in the bum, the tummy, and...well, we'll stop there). These past few days one of the head costume moms has been working with me to get the fat suit to fit better, and to make the fake fat look not so fake (it used to have just random bulges of stuffing, and it was rather lumpy).

Today we got most of the stuffing to sit fairly well, and the costume mom told me to go show our directors my fat suit and the leopard-print dress I might be wearing for my costume. Let's just say that much giggles, chuckles, and guffaws ensued, and I sat there in my fat suit nearly crying because I was laughing so hard.

To top it off, some boys I know were playing basketball during the show-the-directors-the-fat-suit moment, and I got the weirdest looks from them. Ehheh.

And then later that evening I went out shopping with my mom to find my stage make-up. I was told to find a nice burgundy shade for the lipstick, and we tested so many tubes on my hand to see what color they actually were (the packages always lie). We ended up finding a nice shade of lipstick that had some lip-liner that matched. Huzzah! When we left the store, my hand looked like this:

I was wearing my white fuzzy jacket, and when I got home, I suddenly realized something. There was no possible way for me to get the jacket off without getting lipstick smears on the inside of my sleeve. Then I had a stroke of genius. I grabbed a piece of paper and taped it to my hand, making sure it covered the lipstick test marks.

Then I carefully pulled my hand out of the sleeve, and voila! No lipstick smears! Yay.

I never realized how exhausting it is to try and find the perfect shade of lipstick...it's insane.

Have any of you ever been in a school play before?


  1. Wow, you certainly went through a lot to get the right lipstick color. I don't think I've ever worn lipstick... I have been in a school play, as my school forced the second grade to do a play. It was awful. I hate performing.

    1. Haha, yep, I sure did!

      What play did you do then? (:

  2. What if your fat suit was dressed like a sumo wrestler? :P "look at granny, pa!"

    I took acting classes before but now I am shy again.

    1. Hahaha!

      I used to be a really shy person, but I suppose as I got older my shyness isn't quite so prominent anymore. (:

  3. That white jacket just wants to be stained, I think. :)

    ~Robyn Hoode

    1. The poor jacket's taken a beating. First blood stains, now nearly getting lipstick on it...

  4. Haha fat suits :) Break a leg with your performances (whenever they might be).

    I've been in loads of community theatre musicals and a couple through school. It makes me feel so alive. How long have you been acting?

    1. Thank you, Hannah! The performances are the 21ist and 22nd (Thursday and Friday this week). On Wednesday we're doing a little sneak peek for the whole school to try and get them to come. (:

      Ooh, me too! Well, I suppose if I count those Christmas programs I used to do....this is year four. I haven't been doing plays and big things all four years, but once and a while through those years I've been doing some acting.

  5. I have a favorite shirt-- light grey and says "Careful or you'll end up in my novel" on it-- and it attracts red-staining stuff like a magnet! I always manage to get spaghetti sauce or something on it, so I've started changing my shirt like some of my younger sibs do before we eat red food.

    ~Robyn Hoode


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