

  1. "Nothing is lost until your mom can't find it" LOL!! :P

    1. It's crazy how many things my mom has found that I think I've lost!

  2. Those are great pictures… made me laugh.
    ~A.J. Ryan

  3. Love these! Especially the bored one and the first two. And there should be one of these that says, "That moment when you've just ordered a replacement of the thing you lost and suddenly you find it." Or something like that. :P

    1. YES! That happens all the time to me! Or, in the case of earrings, when you lose one and finally give up on it and throw the other one away, BAM, the lost earring is found!

  4. I love the one about it isn't lost until. And the last one about being in someone else's dream... creepy and inspiring!

    ~Robyn Hoode

  5. The first two are so right!

    What's really annoying about the second is that I'll struggle with, say, the packaging on a thing of microwave popcorn and then my friend will take it, and it'll open so easily for her! And I'm not exactly weak, so I think she must have the magic touch or something, lol.

    1. My friend always struggles with the pencil sharpener. That thing hates her and always eats her pencils. So she hands it to me, and Voila! Perfectly sharpened pencil. (:

  6. I'm commenting on the pictures in order:

    1.)Every Redwall book ever.
    2.)Don't forget brute strength. Those things are tenacious!
    3.)That's cool.
    4.)quite right.
    5.)SO TRUE! If mom can't find it then it's gone forever.
    6.)I love that.
    8.)hehehehehehehehehe. Me too.
    10.) I really need to write a story based on that. :D

    1. Careful, Treksie dear. I was inspired to write a book, too. :)

      ~Robyn Hoode

    2. That would be sweet! Please do!

    3. You too, Robyn. I would love to read both of them!


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