Lord of the Rings in 99 Seconds

I watched this a day or two ago, and while it's horribly inaccurate (they're not just big trees!), it's quite creative and rather catchy. So here you go. Enjoy!


  1. I love this video! But I don't like the other ones they do. They need to make some better ones.

    ~Robyn Hoode

    1. Their only other good one was the HP in 99 seconds. I agree. They really ought to make some better ones.

    2. I'm sure I would've enjoyed HP in 99 seconds if I were an HP fan. :)
      Hey, did you notice that the music they were singing to was music from LOTR?


    3. You're not an HP fan? Have you not had the chance to read the books? (:
      I didn't know for sure, but I had a hunch (I haven't seen the movies before)! Pretty cool, aye?

  2. Up until recently, I wasn't allowed to read the books. The whole "Kids going to school to learn witchcraft" thing. And though I've played with the idea of reading the books, I don't know that I will.

    If you can, watch the LOTR movies. They aren't as good as the books (but rarely is any movie better than the book), but they are good.


    1. I understand that. My parents had their doubts as well, but I finally convinced them to let me read them. (: You could always just give the first book a whirl and see how it goes!

      I'll certainly try!

  3. I can't read HP yet...My mom didn't agree with the "Kids going to school to learn witchcraft" thing as well... I've heard they're great, and cant wait till I'm thirteen, so I can read them!

    I totally find the "Big Trees" thing insulting to the Ents. But its kind of cool that they can sum 3 whole books into 90 seconds!

    1. Haha, my mom had the same disagreement! Is it a long wait you have, or just a short wait until you can read them? (:

      I've always wondered if the Ents ever found the Entwives....

    2. One year and 15 days till I'm 13, so kinda long kinda short....

      I always have wondered that too! :)

    3. Haha, I see what you mean. (: Waiting's always rough, though, isn't it?

      I'll have to do some research about that!

  4. That is a funny video! LOL! Thanks for sharing.


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