How Not To Die: Exam Edition

Lately I just feel drained of energy and I walk around in a zombie-like fashion. It could either be a.) a sign that I'm dying or b.) a side affect of exam prepping. Either way, dying doesn't sound like fun at the moment. Let's not die. Sound good?

1.) Consume ridiculous amounts of chocolate.
Chocolate will not only keep the Dementors off your back, it will also give you happiness and energy (at least for me it does). So if studying for math as got you down, hunt down some dark chocolate truffles and have a go at those.

2.) Let out your frustration with a mighty

Trust me. This is strangely therapeutic.

3.) Roll yourself in a blanket and pretend you're a burrito.
I did this yesterday and I just lay on the floor for a while saying, "I'm a burrito now. Burritos don't take exams." Like singing the beginning of the Circle of Life from Lion King, this is strangely therapeutic. Until you have to get up again because you're not an actual burrito.

4.) Take goof-off breaks and do nothing productive.
It might seem counterproductive to go play Angry Birds after studying for science, but trust me. You actually learn better if you take time to give your mind a break every once and a while. Solid hours of studying won't help you not die as much as a solid hour of studying with 5-10 minutes in there of taking time to chill.

5.) Become a ninja.
Ninjas don't take exams.

Hope this helps you not die from exams. Hopefully it helps me out as well.

Good luck.

That is all.


  1. Some one finally figured out how to spell the opening to the Lion King? This is amazing news. By the way,* I finally got an idea for a blog and started it with my friend. You should check it out. (

    *If you dislike shameless plugs, stop reading.

    1. Ooh, yay, you've started a blog! Excuse me as I procrastinate from studying and check it out.

  2. You not going to die, Sea. I know many young people who have survived exams. Have some chocolate. :)

    ~Robyn Hoode

    1. Haha, thank you, Robyn. So far they're not so bad, and chocolate is definitely helping me. (:

  3. Oh my word processor. I cannot believe I used the term "young people"... I think age is getting to me.


    1. Haha, I noticed that. Perhaps it makes you feel adultier, eh? Us young whippersnappers with all of our newfangled technology and fashion choices must scare you older folk.

    2. Oh you're just hilarious.
      Actually, I have trouble really believing I'm 22. I think I'm a mature teenager. *nods*
      And no, fashion and technology don't scare me. ;)
      ~The Unstoppable Child

    3. (Would now be a bad time to sing Taylor Swift's song 22? I don't know about you, but I'm feeling twenty-twoooo.....)
      Oh, yes, of course. You were such a great teenager that you extended it into your twenties. Makes perfect sense. (:

  4. Hello! I'm a new follower to your blog, but I've actually been looking at it for some time. I wish this post had been up before my school's semester finals. It would have been so very helpful. (:

    1. So glad you liked it! Welcome to my little corner of blogging insanity. (: I'm almost finished with exams; just one more to go! Huzzah! Hopefully your finals went well.


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