I'm Free!

I am not ashamed to say that I have been running around my house like a maniac, wearing a cape and yelling, "I am a free elf!" up and down the hallway. Actually, scratch that. It was a power walk, but it's close enough.

My exams for this semester are over. Done. Finished. No longer in existence. Bam.

It's quite nice not to be stressing anymore, but I can't say that any of my exams were particularly hard. They all went fine for me, and I hope that if you had exams they went smashing for you as well.

What I especially like about exam week being over is that I have more time to read books. Yay for books. Right now I'm rereading Eragon just for kicks since I've forgotten a lot of what happened in that series, but after that there's a few other books I've got my hands on that were recommended to me by some friends.

I think I'll go reward myself for finishing exam week with some chocolate and a nice afternoon of reading with a comfy sweatshirt on. Sounds like a good day to me.

That is all.


♡ Seana


  1. Yay!! It does sound like a good day, enjoy!! Whohooo! :)

  2. Well done! I'm glad they went well!

    1. Same here! It's really nice to not be stressing anymore. (:

  3. I'm still in my exams, but last day. Whew!

  4. Here, have a congratulatory sock.

    1. Master has given Seana a sock. Seana is freeeee!

  5. Oh, also I just noticed we both got our blog headers from the same website! Good choice (:

    1. I discovered the website a while ago and I absolutely love it! It has so many cute backgrounds and blog headers. I think I've spent hours on there just gaping at all the options.

  6. See? I told you you'd be fine. :)

    ~The Unstoppable Child

    1. And you were right. Never doubt the Unstoppable Child. (:


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