Dresses, Shoes, and Other Girly Stuff

Hello lovelies!

You might remember about that Blizzard Ball, hmm? Well I said I might post a picture of my dress/shoes and whatnot, and I did happen to have pictures taken on that day, so . . .

I've decided to not be lazy and actually post a picture of my dress. *gasp* You'll have to excuse the fact that I look headless in these pictures, but I can't just go around showing people my face. That goes against the whole pseudonym idea of staying anonymous.

Enough stalling, though. Here is my dress, shoes, and my jewelry even though it's nearly impossible to see my earrings.

My dress was strapless as you can see, and it was sort of a maroonish/red color that I loved. The dress itself was sort of fitted lace with a thin piece of fabric that went from the waist and then flowed down around the skirt part. It created a little bit of a high-low skirt effect as you can see from the picture.

My jewelry was a pearl necklace, and I had pearl earrings to match it. I also picked up a bracelet from one of my favorite miscellaneous-esque store to match my shoes.

My shoes are the white heels in this picture. All along the strappy part that went on the top of my foot was little sparkly beads which matched my bracelet. But standing in those for three hours was murder on my feet, so right now I'm giving them some therapy.

So there you have it! My Blizzard Ball ensemble, huzzah!

That is all.


  1. My goodness, you're beautiful! Even with out a head. Your hair...and your skin...and you're tall... and you're skinny! You look much different than I imagined! (but also much better) :)

    ~D. Skye <3

    1. Aw, you're so sweet! (:

      Funny thing though, I'm not actually tall. *gasp* I'm around the 5'3" mark. And for some reason this picture does make me look really skinny. It could just be the angle I'm standing at. I'm just average in terms of weight.

    2. Oh my word, that picture does make you look monstrously tall!!

    3. You're so right! None of the other pictures we took made me look this ridiculously tall, though. Strange . . .

    4. Ah. I 'm about 5'8" so sometimes it's nice to see people (or at least girls) who are about my height. 5'3" is good height though.
      What ever the angle, it's flattering . I could never look that small in a dress like that. :)

      ~D .Skye <3

      Where did you get that dress?

    5. Haha, oh yes, the struggle of being a tall person. Something I doubt I'll ever experience. (:

      I'm sure you'd look beautiful in whatever dress you decided to wear! Mine is from Macy's, and I was so proud that I found it on sale.

    6. Awww, thanks *blushes*

      ~D .Skye <3

  2. Wow, that is one beautiful dress. Great choice, Seana! :) I love the way your hair looks in the picture.

    1. Thanks so much, Emma! (: Normally I don't have time to curl my hair, so it was fun to be a little dressy since I normally can't be.

    2. Where did you find your dress? I just bought both of mine for the two spring dances I'll be going to (a Christian prom and then my co-op's spring banquet/dance).

    3. I got mine at Macy's! And oooh, I hope you have a blast at your dances! (:

  3. Ooh, my foot made it on your blog! Huzzah!

    1. Now you're famous! Beware of the fans that will be rampaging your doorstep.

  4. Even without a face you look gorgeous! (that...sounds a LOT weirder typed out than it did in my head. oh well) I love your hair :)
    --Audrey, but again, I'm too lazy to sign in hehe

    1. Haha, no worries, plenty of things I say out loud sound better in my head. But thank you! (:

  5. You're actually really skinny! And I envy your hair.. and the dress.. and the shoes..

    1. A lot of people are saying that, and I'm going to guess it's just the angle combined with the dress, since I'm average in weight. Haha, I don't think you'd envy the heels after a few hours of standing in them doing the "I don't know what I'm doing" dance move. (:


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