One More Braid, Aragorn!


  1. My theory is that he braids them once a week and goes to bed with them tucked under a net. Then, every Saturday he has a day off from hobbit stuff and spends hours on his hair.

    1. Ooh, good theory! I'm sure that's exactly how it is. (:

  2. I'm pretty sure he wears a wig.
    I tried doing the whole braid thing but it took me a while so I gave up. It's like a half ponytail with a fishtail braid and then two tiny French braids that outline the ears. It isn't really that hard but it gets kind of annoying because everything has to be perfect and tiny.

    ~D. Skye <3

    1. Shhh, we'll just let him pretend it's his natural flowing mane of hair.

      There's a sort of elf princess braid that I learned how to do, and while it's a little challenging at first, it's really cool if you can master it. (I think I'm getting close to mastering it, huzzah!) (:


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