Okay? Okay.

Well over this weekend I had a chance to obsess over The Fault In Our Stars trailer for the movie that's coming out . . . June sometime I believe.

I read the book a while ago, and while I can't say that I thought it was as good as everyone was making it out to be, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. John Green does a brilliant job of giving his characters personality and spunk. Although I did predict one of the major plot twists featuring you-know-who *wink wink nudge nudge*, I loved the overall plot. The romance wasn't overly cheesy, and the characters weren't useless lumps who did nothing for the story. (Read my full book review here.)

Now, if you haven't seen the trailer yet, I'll put it below so you can wallow in your feels and tears beside me.

Take one and pass them on.

*Please note that there is one part of the trailer that is slightly scandalous, so if you're under the age of 13, then I'd advise against watching it unless you feel you can handle it. Also, I do not own this trailer, and I take no credit for the making of it or the movie. Thanks!

If the video doesn't load for you, you can also find it by clicking here.


  1. I've watched the trailer a total of 14 times now, and it still gets me each time. That ending. ARGH *takes a second tissue from the box*
    I have to say I personally don't really like Ansel Elgort (is that how you spell his name? I could double check, but quite frankly I am just way too lazy) as Augustus... He's not bad, but the way he says certain lines (like the "cuz you're beautiful" line and the I love you part) just seems...er, un-Augustus-y? But that's just my opinion.
    No glimpses of his prosthetic, much to my disappointment. I was hoping to see it.
    I love the casting of Hazel's mother. She is brilliant.
    Also, on the brief moment where they show a nightstand, there's a piece of paper on it... maybe I'm just crazy, but I have a feeling that might be a certain note... perhaps a Venn diagram? *wink wink nudge nudge*, as you put it, haha.

    Overall, very excited for the movie. I want to see the midnight premiere of it, or at least on the opening day!

    1. I was thinking the same thing. The Augustus that I pictured spoke a bit differently than his actor does. And yes, I didn't see his prosthetic leg either! I'm hoping they keep that in, because that was definitely something about Gus that I liked.

      Heheh, ah, yes, it could be that venn diagram. *wink wink nudge nudge*

      That would be so fun! I might try to do the same, but even if I don't see it the day it comes out, I'll definitely scramble over to a movie theater.

  2. The actress who plays Hazel is also Tris in the Divergent movie, correct?

    ~D. Skye <3

    1. Yep! And the actor who plays Augustus plays Tris's brother in Divergent as well I believe. Crazy, yeah?

  3. Replies
    1. Huzzah! Excuse me as I go mark my calendar. *runs off*


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