Guest Posts and Buttons Made Just For Them

Please, please, settle down, everyone. I know you're eager to hear from Hilda (being the awesome person that she is), but we mustn't have you throwing gelatin at the unicorns. So, without further ado, I bring you Hilda's guest post, and her blog button made especially for her.

I know a lot of you guys are into writing and I thought I'd share some tips about writing with you. First important thing is to write often. Yes, writing in your diary also counts. It helps exercise the mind to come up with those great ideas for your story.

When you begin a story or experiencing writer's block, it helps to break out of it by just writing anything down on paper. You can make a letter or write an essay. Look around for a topic. You can literally get one anywhere. For example, you see a window. Hey, that can even be a title for your story! "The Window of a Lonely Child."

Another important thing about writing is to take your time writing your story or article. If you have a deadline, you can start off slow, then you will see that once you get into your work, the work will go faster. If you have no time limit, write as much or as little as you want. You have the total freedom to write and make your story as fascinating as you think it should be. Remember, YOU are the writer. Write what you like. No worries if some people will not like it. People have different tastes. So, it doesn't mean your story stinks, it just means that the person who didn't like it isn't into that kind of stuff, but there will be others who will love it! So be confident, believe in yourself, and write on!  ;)



  1. Awesome picture button. Thanks Seana, I LOVE IT!! :) You rock!

    1. Aw, thanks, Hilda! Oh! By the way, July has lent me her copy of The Invisible Spy. I'll be seeing if I can finish it soon.

  2. You're welcome. :D

    Ooh awesome! Can't wait till you read it. :)

    1. I've finished it. Was this your first book you've written? (:


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