Dear Blank, Please Blank

Ah, sometimes websites are annoying pieces of junk that make you so frustrated you want to give it a nice kick or perhaps sing it to death. Other times, it's quite amusing. Such as the website of Dear Blank Please Blank. Here are some fun ones I spotted while journeying there.

Dear Santa,
I'll save you some time in making your list. I plan on being very bad this year.
Dear faucets that turn on by pushing the handle,
Please try to stay on for more than 3 seconds.
Dear kid wearing a Halloween costume made of bubble wrap,
How did you not pop every last bubble while making that thing?

Dear Present Self,
Please don't do that...

That is all.
<3 Seana


  1. <3 Thank you for the much needed laugh!

  2. Haha! That last one was the best!

    :) God bless

  3. This actually made me laugh out loud!
    :D :D :D

    1. Mannequins still scare me though. How dare they be so realistic?!

  4. Haha! That's funnnnnnyyyy! ;) It took me a minute for the "China" one, but as soon as I got it, I was like hahahahaha!

  5. Ooooh, I also found this one:
    Dear Noah,
    We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.
    Sincerely, Unicorns


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