I. Hate. The. Spider.

I do hate the spider. It's a brutal sprinting drill for tennis and involves chasing after neon yellow spherical objects and bringing them back to a white line just for the sheer fun of it. After you finish your turn, wait about 3 minutes and you get to go through the whole thing again! Sounds wonderful, eh?

Well, this brings me upon the topic for today: posting.

All of this tennis practice eats up a lot of my time, and it also leaves less time for me to be posting little whatnots and tips. I probably won't have enough time to keep up with my posting schedule, as much as I'd like to, and you may have noticed less Creative Clique posts from me as well. I apologize for that, and as soon as the tennis season is over, I'll most likely be back on track.

So remember, if I miss a day in the schedule for posting, it does not mean I hate you. :}

That is all.


  1. Replies

  2. Replies
    1. Aye, there is. I just use it to keep the posts a little more constant and little less randomly scattered.

  3. It's the same with me, i'm afraid :/ My mother is goign to be doing her coursework every night for the next few months, so i will NEVER be able to blog! Poo. Thanks for letting us know (:


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