Grammar Freaks Unite!

I don't have a problem with texting. No, I think it's a nice easy way to stay in touch with people. But it does get on my nerves when people a.) talk to me using text lingo, or b.) use it for regular everyday emails or in school reports. For some reason, if there's not good grammar, this little red light in my head starts flashing like there's an emergency somewhere in the Southwest; perhaps the hippos are on a rampage. Either way, it bothers me when people say, "Whoa! Sea! Totes cute shirt! And bonus! It's totes not inapprops! We should go to the caf later today, too, don't you think?" Will it really kill you to say one more syllable to complete the word? The poor word just got lopped in half! So that is why I like this picture:

Got to love those little fun sayings. :}

That is all.

<3 Seana


  1. Oh I just love that!!! You speak English, not Bingo...
    haha! Where in the world do you find these??? ;)

    1. I have no idea. I just surf the internet on my cyber surfboard until I ram into something.

  2. LOL!!! And I hate it when people use "totes." I just hate it.

  3. That picture is priceless! ^.^

    I text in complete sentences with capital letters and periods; which has been known to irritate people just as much as the aforementioned issue.

    1. Well good for you! *high fives* GRAMMAR FREAKS RULE!

  4. ANOTHER GRAMMAR NAZI! The worst is Facebook speak. "awrite bbz ahm puhre so awsum mahhn lol wer 2 kl ahaxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Rrrfffhhhghgghgghghhh USE PROPER WORDS. THIS ISN'T DIFFICULT. APOSTROPHES ARE WHAT YOU WERE TAUGHT IN PRIMARY 2. Lord almighty.

    1. Oh my dear heavens...I have no idea what you just said. I need a FB translator. *hunts around book shelf for Facebook lingo for Dummies*

  5. omg hunnibbz i so totes agree wiv u, haha doz ppl who dnt no how 2 yous apostroffes nd stff, der so stupid haha! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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