The Just Because Award

Well. It seems as though another award as found it's way into my hands (I wasn't leaving them open for it, mind you, I was actually trying to do my best statue impersonation). The award was folded into the shape of an origami toadstool, and included the rules, questions, and a nice little button for the award. How cute. So I took my toadstool, found a nearby computer (the closest being by the rainbow waterfall surrounded by rabid canaries), and sat down to do the award. Through the magic of copy and paste, I've saved myself from having to retype everything.

1. This award, if you choose to accept it, must be awarded to all followers...and then whoever else you want!
2. You must answer all the questions!
3. That's about it!

1. If you could meet someone (a real person, mind you) from the past, present, or future, who would it be?
I'd like to meet the authors of some of my favorite books. Whether it be Matt Myklusch, Rick Riordan, John Flanagan, Michael Scott, or Heather Vogel Frederick (one of these things is not like the others...), I'd enjoy saying hello to any of them.
2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I don't wanna grow up. *sucks thumb and pouts*
3. If you were trapped inside your favorite TV show, what would you do?
Eh...I'd probably trip on something. America's Got Talent has so much camera chords and microphone wires that I'm bound to end up sprawling somewhere on national television.
4. You come across a unicorn an a koala. You can only keep one. Which would it be?
Koala. Unicorns are too cliche. Besides, why should I get another unicorn? My collection's already a bit to big for the pasture at the moment [Ralph! Leave Rainbow Dash alone! That's his patch of clover, goof!]
5. What would you do if you met your favorite actor/actress on the street?
Accidentally sneeze on them, because if I saw my favorite actor/actress, there's no way I'd be able to walk up to them as cool as a cucumber that's been lounging in the freezer and say, "Yo."
6. Which number is your favorite, and which is your least favorite?
I adore the number 27. My least favorite number is probably...14. I can't stand it. Just the shape of the 4 irks me...
7. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
It depends on the strength and consistency of one's tongue and saliva. If I licked it, it would probably take forever, because I lick things like a cat. If someone else licked it, and they had a tongue like a giraffe (if it's purple like it too, bonus points for them), it wouldn't take nearly that long. It would take even less long if we all would just BITE the silly thing instead of slobbering all over it going, "'un, 'oo, 'ree, 'or..."
8. If you could go back in time (past only) to any time period, which would it be, and why?
Medieval time period. I've always wanted to see a knight in shining armor attempt to waddle his way onto a battle horse without falling over like a pile of tin cans.
9. Is there a certain follower you would like to thank?
Nope. Just a nice big shout-out to everyone out there reading this. Thanks!
10. I've decided to stop the questions here. Are you happy about this?
Sheer elation. *jumps up and down* I was a tad scared for a second that the questions would continue on until they reached 14, and then stop.

Alrighty. So all you followers out there? Apparently, you've been nominated. Congratulations. Here's a lifetime supply of air *cups hands and sticks the air in a box*. Let's see, who else to torture...aha. I haven't bugged him in a while with an award, so, Liam, I'm awarding this one to you as well.

That is all.

<3 Seana


  1. Replies
    1. No hiding from the wonders of this award, HIlda! :D You get the honors of doing it as well.

  2. Oh my gosh...I LOVE your answer to number 2! And, as I said in my responses, 4 is my least favorite number. 14 is fine, but 4 buy itself is just...ugh.
    Also, I sent the guest post! FINALLY!

    1. Haha, thanks. It's true, though. If one can stun the process of growing up, then seize the opportunity!

      Thanks for sending your guest post! I'll have it up within the week hopefully.

  3. I'm unhappy now. *pouts* Though I did enjoy your answer to the first question. Cookie Monster is awesome.

    1. Aw poor, Liam. *pats sympathetically on back* It's alright. This one's not so bad as some of the others you've received that force you to pass it on to fifteen other bloggers and catch a leprechaun while riding a motorized vehicle.

      Cookie Monster is awesome indeed. Are the rumors correct that he's been changed to "Veggie Monster"?

    2. ...Whilst riding a horse, blindfolded. New Star Trek reference-- sorry.

      I have no idea, but I hope not.

    3. You seem to be referencing Star Trek quite a bit lately. Any particular reason?

      It would indeed stink for a childhood favorite to suddenly be changed to a portobello mushroom and carrot loving creature. Carrots are disgusting.

  4. I like carrots! I DEFEND THE GOOD NAME OF CARROTS! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~canters towards you bearing a lance in one hand a pikeshaft in the other~ ONWARDS, CHARGER MY NOBLE STEED!!!!!

    1. ....I don't like carrots. You may; I won't slaughter you for doing so. I promise.

    2. Hmmmm...I still think I'll slaughter you though. ~shoves my lance in your stomach so that it comes out your back~

    3. *kicks robotic clone of me out of the way* Thank goodness I remembered to send out the fake me. *runs away laughing*


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