The World Loves July, The World Hates Seana

NOTE: This happened on Thursday, but as to keep my blogging schedule on target, I scheduled the post for Friday. Thank you for your consideration. Please pick up a free copy of I Love Seana's Blog So Very Much! monthly on your way out.

It is true. I sincerely believe it. No, this does not mean I hold a grudge against my dear friend. No, I do not wish a pack of wild toadstools will surround her house and force her to stay in there for the rest of her life. No, I do not wish writer's block upon her either. I'm not that cruel.

No, what I'm talking about has to do with a little contest we try to do almost every day after tennis practice (which was brutal today. I hate the spider drill...).

So, what on earth is this so-called contest? Simple. We each hog one half of the car that we're being driven home in. (I usually hog the right side, July the left.) Then we wave like maniacs at any passerby,  attempting to get them to wave like maniacs back.

Today I was on a roll. Ten waves for me. Whoop whoop and all that jolly good stuff. July was slowly catching up to my lead. The difference between the waves I received and the ones she gained, was that whenever I waved, people would lift a hand tentatively, and once I stopped, they would point at me to their friends and say, "Oh my goodness. What a complete weirdo. I don't believe she's in the right frame of mind to go about flourishing her arm out of a speeding vehicle! ...And with that, I am hungry!"

Several people rolled down their windows to see if they knew me from somewhere, which of course was a waste of time. And while I was wallowing in my misery, July chose that moment to start waving her arm frantically, as though she was trying to shoo away a thousand unruly bumble bees.

A woman in her car saluted July in return.

Saluted her.


I get pointed at, laughed at, stared at, and July gets...salutes. I feel so loved. <3

So next time you're on a road trip, go wave like a maniac and see what happens.

That is all.

<3 Seana

PS: Fine, it's not all. I must also point out the fact that July waved at a guy who's pants were drooping enough that he was waddling as opposed to walking. So I gave her her share of grief to keep her from getting a big head about her salute. She gave me my share of grief as well about my hair brush story. (No, I won't share that story. It was embarrassing, and the only way July got her paws on that memory of mine was from my aunt. Thanks, Auntie.)


  1. Hem. I still love you Sea! Oh and no, I was not waving at the guy who desperately needed a belt, I was waving at the guy behind him a ways in the parking lot! I didn't even see him until you pointed him out! Just for the record...
    Haha hairbrush!

    1. Oh yes, that's what they all say.

      ...and that hairbrush thing does not have permission to be spilled to the world.

  2. That's sad. Have you tried smiling as you wave? :P

    1. Aye. I've grinned and smiled and even tried the princess wave once and a while. Not much works.


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