I Am Insanely Sorry

You have my sincerest apology, blogger friends. I completely forgot to post. ): Yesterday I had to watch a 2 and 4 year old for two hours, keep them from murdering each other over a Barbie, and keep them entertained at all times. It was crazy. I was so exhausted last night that I just couldn't get the energy to create a post. Again, I'm very sorry.

Fear not, I shall post both Wednesday (a verrrry special day), and Friday. Friday I've got something pretty important up my sleeve, so be ready for my rant.

Don't forget to enter the Christmas contest! (Pretty please?)


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  5. Can you check your email? Sorry I'm really weird tonight.

  6. Aww, I love small children! They're so ... small. And crazy.

    1. Sometimes the crazy is good, sometimes it's....really crazy. (:


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