It's A Certain Blogger's Birthday!

That certain blogger's birthday just happens to be...*drumroll please*.....


Yee-haw and all that. I'm so thankful to God for another year of life, and for all the blessings I've received over the years. Thank you to everyone who has been my friend, and those who I have met recently too. You all are so awesome to me, and I just want to thank you for putting up with my weirdness and ranting.

People always ask the question, "So how do you feel now that you're a year older?" The answer is, not much different. The feeling is not instantaneous, but rather a slow process of growing up and feeling like you're not who you were. It's that way for me. Today I don't feel any different (aside from being beside myself with excitement) than usual. But over the years, I do know that each year has changed me. I can laugh at myself now, something I couldn't do before.

Today I'll be bringing in some reindeer themed cookies for my class, shoving a secret Santa gift in someone's locker, and just being probably being extremely hyper (at least, a smidge more than normal). So today is going to be a good day. (:

Here's to another year, and hoping for many more!

That is all.



  2. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEA! You'll see that I also wished you about 26 HB's on el tweetair..... yah?

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Although July seems to have wished you that enough already =)...I always wonder, when people say "you'll understand when you're an adult," does that mean the second you turn 18 you understand everything like politics and stocks? XP

    1. Thank you, Audrey! (: Yes, July went a smidge over the top with her well-wishes.

      Yes. That would be crazy! BAM. You're 18 and BAM politics, stocks? PIECE OF CAKE! :D

    2. Oh Sea, it was all in great fun :D

    3. Oh yes. You and your spamming. (:

  4. Thank you, Emily! (: And yes, you're quite right. 14 I am!


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