Book Review: 100 Cupboards

I've just finished this book, and since it was a pretty good book, I've decided to post a review on here.
**NOTE** As always, this is a SPOILER-FREE review. End of note.

100 Cupboards
N.D. Wilson
Genre: Fantasy

Twelve-year-old Henry York wakes up one night to find bits of plaster in his hair. Two knobs have broken through the wall above his bed and one of them is slowly turning . . .Henry scrapes the plaster off the wall and discovers cupboards of all different sizes and shapes. Through one he can hear the sound of falling rain. Through another he sees a glowing room–with a man pacing back and forth! Henry soon understands that these are not just cupboards, but portals to other worlds.

Seana's Thoughts:
Well, the beginning was a little bit slow, but it got better as you went along. Although, it wasn't like an action-packed thriller book, it had it's suspenseful moments. I can't say that I was cracking up laughing every other page, because I wasn't. There were a few moments where I chuckled, but it wasn't a hilarious novel. During the middle/end it gets a bit confusing when Henry starts checking out the cupboards, but for the most part I was able to keep track of everything. And of course, there was one character who didn't have much purpose in the book, his identity is a secret. I just didn't think he needed to be in there; he was just an extra addition.

Seana's Star Rating: ✰✰✰ and a half
Note quite four stars, not quite three. I didn't think that it was GOOD enough to receive a four, and not BAD enough to deserve a three. It wasn't my favorite book, but it was an interesting read if you like stories that sound like this one.

Is this a guy book or a girl book:
Both. There's plenty in this book to interest both genders, such as rhinos with wings and witches missing eyeballs, so it's not a total guy book nor a chick book.


  1. Sounds interesting! You know what I read, so would you say I would like this?

    1. You might get slightly confused, but I think you'd like it.


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