Love Dodecagons?

We've all heard the term "Love Triangle", right? I know at least I have. So I got to thinking, tapping my pen on my lip and stretching my ankles, what if we tried doing the "Love Triangle" with another shape? So it might look a bit like this.

Subject 1 is in love with Subject 2. But Subject 3 is head over heels for Subject 4. And on it goes around the dodecagon until you reach Subject 12. All of them are loved or in love with the number above/below them, and none of them have any idea that Subject 1 loves Subject two, when Subject 12's already in love with Subject 1. I have no idea what I am saying here, but if I'm making the least bit amount of sense with in my insanity here, humor me with a comment.

Then of course, there is another idea. What if Subject 1 was in love with Subject 7, who in turn had no idea that Subject 1 (hereafter S1) was maddeningly in love with them? For added drama at S8 to the mix to be in love with S1, and win S1's love, leaving S7 with no one in love with them anymore. S7 could later realize what they had lost when S8 had won S1's love, and therefore, S7 could be all mad and start rampaging around like a hippopotamus who's had too many chocolate volcano cupcakes. It would all just be an odd scenario for a writer to create. It's a crazy idea, and it might involve way too many Subjects to make it work. If one of you out there braves the Love Dodecagon, let me know! I'll freak out if my idea comes to life; it'll be the most awesome day ever if I hear that it works. (:

<3 Seana


  1. Girl, you just majorly confused me, haha! I'll stick with love triangles, thank you very much.

    1. Good idea! I just reread this, and I have no idea what I was talking about! :P

    2. I also thought love triangles and squares all involved two or three people in love with the same person (you know, like Peeta and Gale in THG).

    3. Oh yes! The HG love triangle. Drove me crazy because Katniss was being selfish about it and seemed to only care about herself, while she hurt both Gale and Peeta. It was awful. >.<

    4. @Emma: Love triangles and quadrangles come in many different sizes and-- well, not too many different shapes. Go to this post to see what I mean:

  2. Why not a love pentagon? One girl, 4 guys. The guys are all in love with the girl and the girl is in love with all the guys.

    -D. Skye <3

    1. Hmm, perhaps I shall try that. A dodecagon sounds a bit...complicated.

  3. I could title the novel "Tales of Woe from the Love Dodecagon" Such a long title! ^_^

  4. It could be some crazy romance novel that would, unfortunately, probably get torn apart by the critics. Maybe you could attempt it with just three guys and three girls?

  5. Aye, that does sound reasonable. Critics would probably say there was too much of a love problem than anything else. I'll just stick with my love quadrilaterals. ^_^

  6. Anything above a standard love quadrangle (which I have seen more than once in literature) is redundant, and requires too many characters. And the ideas I've seen above... None of them would work, including (lashings of apologies for ever and ever) your idea. A love dodecagon would require too many characters and would annoy the reader to no end. A love pentagon, suggested above, would also be absolutely ridiculous and annoying. I believe there was also a 6-gon alluded to, which would also not work. Stick with combining a couple of love triangles here and there. Readers don't like more than two centers of any type of love polygon.

    1. Your apologies have been accepted, but there's no need for that. I have no idea what I was thinking of when writing this post; perhaps I was just in one of those "I need a new thing" moods. Yes, or perhaps it was those artichokes I ate...
      True, there would be quite the amount of characters, and I'm not sure the book would have any real plot. o_o

    2. This is why I stay away from romances as much as possible; no plot. Romance can act as a catalyst for the plot, but not as a plot.
      Have you ever encountered a love quadrangle? They're quite interesting as well.

    3. Aye, those quadrangles are a nice change from the usual triangles. Wether acute, isosceles, or even scalene, I do get sick of love triangles after a while.
      And on a different note, when are you posting the next Phil Phorce episode? I'm going to go totally insane if I don't find out what happens next. I might go so insane that I decide that mushrooms are delicious and the sky is green.

    4. The love triangles I've seen have either been in Z form or square form. Z is two Tug-o-Wars combined, and the square is four Tug-o'-Wars combined. Every character likes every other character except those of the same gender.
      Yes... Phil Phorce. I've got the first six scenes written, but I've been working mostly on Wise. I apologize, and I'll try and get it going soon. It still requires orchestration with the different scenes, you understand, and I haven't actually gotten to the first plot twist yet. So... I'd guess at most, another month. At least another two weeks. Sorry for the wait. I'll try to prove myself wrong by doing it earlier.

    5. Please do prove yourself wrong! Hmm...Z form love shapes....I shall have to try this sometime.

    6. After finding a few more love quadrangle shapes, I might do another post on those forms.
      I confess that I have been putting both blog and Wise above Phil Phorce, which is strange since Phil Phorce is blog. Right now I've got three posts as drafts, all finished and ready to be posted. Once I get the Phil Phorce done, I can get up to 20 more insta-posts.

    7. That would be an interesting post, I'd definitely tune in and see what's what with that one.
      Aye, how does blog come before Phil Phorce if Phil Phorce is blog? o_o Quite odd if you think about it super duper hard.

    8. Well, it's a choice between posts that make it clear why I'm Head Phil, and posts that just exploit the fact.

    9. Aha. Now that I've thought about it super duper hard, it makes sense in this lil brain of mine.

    10. Indeed. But I shall work on it some today, I promise. If possible, of course.

    11. Good. I really ought to continue working on Melody's Song, but I haven't found time between exam studying and the many open houses of my many cousins.

    12. I'm working on it now-- at least, I was before I remembered that you had probably replied to my comments. Back to that now.

    13. Aye, apologies on my part for interrupting your, I'm sure, intense writing skills.

    14. I'm having oodles of fun. You'll like this one, I'm sure of it.

    15. OODLES of fun? Well, then it's probably a winner. I'll be sure to swing by your blog to check it out when you post it. Is this the one with the hedgehog deaths?

    16. "Oodles of fun" indeed. Not to be confused with "Noodles of fun", which might make me hungry.
      Indeed 'tis. Probably. Haven't gotten that far in that half of the story yet. I've got the Phils' collective part going well, but the other half isn't as swiftly written. That'll be the thing holding me back.


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