An idea

Alrighty, I just came up with an idea to blog about, so here we go. Keep in mind that this is off the top of my head, so it's not exactly my best posting skills. (:

Question: If you could take over someone's life for a day, who would you pick and why?
**NOTE** If you'd like to, feel free to leave a comment on who you'd pick and why.

Well, from my standpoint I think it'd be fun to be actually a book character named Deryn Sharp for a day. She is a character from Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan trilogy. She's a very outgoing and courageous girl, and since she's always wanted to help fight in the war from the air, she disguises herself as a boy, so that she can become a soldier.
I think it'd be quite the challenge to be Deryn (called Dylan when she pretends to be a boy) because you'd always have to live with the fear of being discovered, and the fear of falling off the crazy airship that's designed with actual whale biology.
It'd also be a challenge to be her because she knows that her brother (Jaspert I want to say, but I don't know for sure) is off fighting the war in another airship, and she doesn't know if he's going to live. It's a pretty crazy thing to live life like Deryn does!

And voila! There is my random post that I came up with in just a wee amount of time.

So, if you could be someone for a day, who'd you choose?

<3 Seana


  1. The guy I like. 'Cause maybe then I could find out if he liked me, or convince him to. xD

  2. I would be Cassidy from MDBC so that i could know what it feels like to play hockey on an actual team! Me = hockey geek!

  3. I would be Emma, Jess or Megan from MBDC. I really can't choose between them.

    -D. Skye


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