Anyone else freaking out here?

I'm freaking out. Two reasons.
1. I have a duet tonight for a band concert. That's a freak out reason all by itself, not including the fact that my duet partner, Julia, could possibly end up sick from some unknown virus! (Like that's gonna happen, but though the chances are slim, it could still happen. :{ <--- that's kinda what my face looks like right now...)
2. This band outfit is atrocious. Like, very very ugly. It's a navy blue (which isn't bad by itself) and a REVOLTING SHADE OF MUSTARD (which paired with the blue is again, atrocious)! I absolutely hate this outfit. Thankfully, I do not need to wear the hat that goes with it that includes a nice mustard colored feather. Makes me feel like a chicken. -( ' v ' )- Brawk brawk and stuff.

Well, I suppose I must be getting to putting the rest of this awful uniform together, so I'll be going now. Hopefully I remember to bring my flute along to the concert; it's kind of an essential piece.

<3 Seana
PS: These mice pictures cheered me right up, and that's saying something. I really don't like mice, but you'll see why in a second why they were so darn cute. And I'll put a special surprise at the end of this post. Hee hee. ^.^


So. Leave a comment. Do YOU think he looks similar to this Alpaca? I found this on a celebrity look alike thingy on a website. I thought it was hilarious, Christine was appalled that anyone could find a resemblance between the animal and the dude. =)


  1. I'm freaking out in hopes that I will be able to get an iPad 2. I've been waiting so long for one, and now I'm so close!

    Oh, yeah, and I freak out every time I see my crush.

  2. Good luck in your concert! Cute pics.

  3. I just read the part about your uniform. YUCK!


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