Well this is disappointing...

Alright. So today our 8th grade play was being shown (the first part to get us in suspense for the rest on the opening night) to the rest of our school. It was called Romeo and Juliet together (and alive!) at last and it was not all I had hoped it'd be. Honestly, some of the acting was overly dramatic, and it was really boring. The actors used some of the Shakespearean language, which is hard to understand on its own, but they spoke to fast and too soft. The scenes were too hasty and quick, and I felt like there was absolutely no humor whatsoever. I doubt that I'll be buying tickets to see the rest; the first half just wasn't up to my expectations. Sadly. (July, you didn't miss much.) But the funny part was when they had the fake Juliet/Romeo kissing scene everyone was whistling and stuff, and Christine hollers, "SHUT UP! It's not real!"

And now onto another topic. I have my retainer now. YAY!!! <--- note unrealistic happiness. I talk with a lisp now. All of my "s" sounds come out as "sh". Which is totally fab since I had to say this in Spanish class, "A las seis me cepillo los dientes". NOTE ALL THE "S" SOUNDS. Blah. It was embarrassing. But whatever. I'll make it through. ^_^

<3 Seana


  1. I just googled "A las seis me cepillo los dientes" and it said that it meant "At six I brush my teeth." Is that really what it means?

    1. Yup. That's exactly what it means! ^.^ We're doing schedules in Spanish class. Yay...


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