Still "Hunger" for more?
I've been surfing the wide web again, and have gotten some more pictures for ya'll to enjoy.
Here we have a bunch of Peeta quotes smushed together onto one picture. This is before all of the training and things before the actual games begin I believe.
Katniss and Peeta wearing their training uniforms.
Something very true! ^_^
Sound crew and camera guys taking a shot of Katniss.
Cinna and Katniss. Makeover time!
Katniss watching Peeta and Caesar Flickman doing his interview thing.
Katniss and her little sister Prim.
Something random that popped up when I searched "Hunger Games"
Katniss ready to spring.
Katniss and Gale in the top half, Katniss and Peeta in their fire costumes on the bottom half.
Really creepy Peeta action figure...
Peeta making a funny face while sprinting to get to the Cornucopia in time without getting killed.
Peeta looking at the Capitol from his train window.
Peeta doing his camouflage training by painting his arm like a tree.
Well that's all I got for you today!
PS: Actually, I was thinking of doing a spotlight on some of the Hunger Games characters. I think that I'll start with Gale Hawthorne tomorrow and move on to Effie Trinket and so on. Your thoughts?
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