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A Day in the Life of Me
G'day and stuff to ya'll. Today July and myself being the little mischievous imps (and no July, the definiton of imp is not what you think it is! Look at the pic!) we are, made a dear friend quite upset. So publicly Christine, I am going to apologize. I am sincerely sorry, and wish for your forgiveness. If you want more info on what happened check July's blog. ( I don't think that I even want to go there, so ask her.
Okay, I don't have another book to share at the moment, but I just got some books from the library today, so be prepared for new updates soon. Note: Just read the book called Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett. It stank. The plot is so confusing and I gave up halfway through. It's mostly just her thoughts throughout the whole thing, and not much happens. It is also really hard to understand the little dudes with accents. Shudder, shudder. So heads up, the summary on the inside cover sounds awesome, but the book is not my cup of tea. Maybe it'll be yours, I don't know. :)
Alright, I've gotta go do homework and stuff now, so yeah. Fun, fun! Weeeee! Yeah right. :)
Ta ta's, toodles, and noodles,
Yo Sea! Um just so you know... you said "Note: Just read the book called Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett" instead of don't read. Also yeah. An imp can be something else too.
ReplyDelete<3 July
Au contraire. This time "read" was used in the past tense form, so it would be pronounced, "red". And how are people hearing about your blog and emailing you? You're really popular now I suppose...I'm feeling the green eyed jealousy monster comin' in! :P