PT Conference Tonight! Meep!

Bonjour and stuff readers! Tonight I have a most dreaded, Parent-Teacher Conference. Dun, dun, dun. *cue the scary music here* Anyways, it's just my parents, teacher, and me in my classroom talking about moi and all the things I'm doing well/horribly. It's always so awkward because let's be honest here, I'm very organized and on top of things. And my grades show that. But I hate being all like, "Yeah. I'm getting superb grades, and I'm just so wonderful." Yada, yada, yada. Ergh. I totally dislike, perhaps hate, PT Conferences! And seriously. Why must the STUDENT be dragged into a PARENT-TEACHER conference? Makes no sense. I suppose that's just what happens in the life of me.

So yeah, not much to say today. BUT I did finish Catching Fire! Whoop! Whoop! It was so awesome, and I'm going to literally spring like a mad person to the local library to get Mockingjay, the third book. That is if July has returned it yet...*ahem*

Today's Quotie:
The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.
-Henry David Thoreau
Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why?

Happy ponies coming your way,
~Sea J.


  1. oh! i hate those. did they go well? what are your teachers like?

  2. My conference went totally well, and my teacher Mr. Cow kept going on and on and on about how July and I are so hilarious. :)


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