Howdy ya'll! So today after school we were in Mr. Menagerie's classroom. And he was eating a BANANA. So July got on the subject of bananas after Christine hollered that she loves bananas. July goes, "Bananas give you belly fat." And Christine shrieked because she thought July was calling her fat because of her extreme love of bananas. And I was just cracking up because our teacher was scarfing down a banana as she was speaking. Luckily he did not notice until he walked back in and I told him about the fat. July sometimes talks before she thinks. And that is what is funny.

So later at the cafe, me and Christine were sitting there minding our own business and studying for a science exam. Stupid exam. And then the nice lady at the counter came up to us and said, "I can't sell these; would you like them?" And she gave us each a half a cinnamon roll. And then Christine was getting frustrated with her fork, and was like, "Oh whatever!" And picked up the rest of the roll with her fingers and yelped as the cinnamon goop got all over her fingers. And then she drooled. So I said, "You're tryin' to be cool, and ya drooled!" And we just cracked up laughing as she scarfed down the rest of mine. That pig.

PS: Good luck to July in tonights Spelling Butterfly. (Just kidding it's the Spelling Bee.) :)


  1. W.O.W. In my defense there was only TWO BITES LEFT and you said you didn't want it!!! btw I DO SEE EVERYTHING!!!!! HAHHAHAAA

  2. You don't see anything! And you are still a pig for stealing my cinnamon roll. :)


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